Increasing Bench Press Strength/Building Muscle Mass – Fitness Report Released

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Online fitness, strength training, and wellness resource – Fitness Fahrenheit – has released a report that examines the role bench press training plays in overall weightlifting routines and offers over 30 tips for increasing bench press strength.

Fitness experts agree that a strong, technically sound bench press should be the cornerstone of any weightlifter’s repertoire. It not only builds a more muscular chest but also works many other major muscle groups. In their newly released report, Fitness Fahrenheit explains how weightlifters and other fitness enthusiasts can master the bench press, and provides tips, videos and infographics audiences can follow to improve their strength.

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Koji Lopez, founder of Fitness Fahrenheit and author of the bench press report says learning how to increase bench press strength is not as simple as it sounds. In his guide, “How to Increase Bench Press Strength” Lopez reveals the facts about this form of weight training and presents comprehensive instructions on how to safely build muscle mass and improve strength.

Lopez says every bench press workout should be designed around goals. He also points out that serious weightlifters must prioritize their sleep to ensure they’re well-rested before beginning step one of their strength training which focuses on the chest.

The report warns against potentially damaging the rotator cuff by launching into a chest strength routine without proper warm-up, and provides a number of recommended products weightlifters can use to protect and support their shoulder muscles.

Lopez also emphasizes the fundamental role proper breathing techniques play in strength training, and advises audiences to practice their breathing techniques in tandem with their bench press techniques.

Once the foundations of a good strength training routine are mastered, weightlifters can begin building bench press strength. One of the most popular techniques today’s athletes rely on is Progressive Overload. Progressive Overload gradually increases the amount of stress placed on the muscles using incremental increases that weigh as little as 2.5 pounds.

Koji Lopez is a former Marine Corps machine gunner who completed two tours in Iraq. He was also chosen to provide security at American embassies in Ecuador, China, and Colombia. With a bachelor’s degree in Biochemistry, Lopez is now pursuing a master’s degree in neurochemistry while putting his knowledge to work with the advice and instruction he offers as a fitness expert.

With the release of his recent report at Fitness Fahrenheit, Lopez is helping audiences increase their bench press strength with dozens of suggested workouts, a number of product recommendations, and over 30 fitness tips that build muscle and fine-tune techniques.

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