West Meade Investment Advisory Representatives: Estate Planning Services Updated

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Goldstone Financial Group (630-620-9300), an investment advisory firm, has expanded their estate planning services for clients in West Meade, Nashville.

Goldstone Financial Group’s updated estate planning services focus on clients’ financial legacy. The investment advisors appreciate that after a lifetime of hard work, parents want to leave their children with an amount of wealth that will guarantee financial security.

More information is available at https://goldstonefinancialgroup.com/

Goldstone Financial Group also knows that in today’s economic climate, inheritance is now one of the most defining factors of a person’s financial outcomes, in many cases, more so than income. It is with this in mind that they have branded their estate planning services legacy planning, because they understand that when it comes to estates, for many people, money means a lot more than just dollars and cents.

As the financial planners explain, accumulating wealth in one’s lifetime is just the first step, and it does not automatically follow that future generations will benefit from this wealth unless a comprehensive estate plan is put into place.

Goldstone Financial Group’s estate planning services therefore focus firstly on wills and living trusts. These will divide assets amongst remaining family members and children. The financial advisors have seen that, sadly, families can be torn apart when somebody passes without a legally binding will. They also recommend that—when done with astute financial consideration and planning—asset division can meaningfully enhance the wealth of future generations.

In order to best provide for future generations, Goldstone also believes it is imperative that taxes are reduced in the present, and one of the core focuses of their legacy planning is tax minimization. This applies to both assets and investments as they grow in value, and later, when they are inherited.

As highly experienced financial, investment, tax and retirement planners, Goldstone Financial Group is also confident that they can give their clients new options for their legacy that they may not have previously considered. This includes Inherited IRAs, which are retirement accounts that can be passed down between generations.

A spokesperson for the investment advisory firm said, “​Planning for the future is essential, especially when it comes to securing your assets and protecting your loved ones. Goldstone Financial Group’s estate planning and legacy planning services can help you ensure that your personal financial health and your legacy are well protected, even after you’re gone. By creating a living will, setting up a trust, and planning for inheritance, you can leave a lasting impact and provide for those you care about.”

More details can be found at https://goldstonefinancialgroup.com/contact-us/