Katie Hornor Honored as Recipient of Honorary Doctorate by Dan Miller

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Katie Hornor, the visionary leader behind The Flamingo Advantage, was bestowed with an honorary ‘doctorate’ – referred to as the Doctorate of Hard Knocks by Dan Miller and the respected 48 Days organization.

Katie Hornor, the visionary leader behind The Flamingo Advantage, was bestowed with an honorary ‘doctorate’ – referred to as the Doctorate of Hard Knocks – by Dan Miller and the respected 48 Days organization. This recognition celebrates Katie Hornor’s remarkable journey, with her husband Tap, from adversity to prosperity and her outstanding contribution as a Christian business coach.

On August 11, 2023, the 48 Days organization, led by Dan Miller, honored Katie Hornor for her awe-inspiring journey of triumph. From their origins as broke and broken missionaries to their role as blessed and generous business owners, Katie and Tap Hornor have set an example of resilience and generosity. Their story has now become a testament to the transformative power of faith and perseverance.

In a poignant tribute during the award ceremony, Dan Miller acknowledged the Hornors’ remarkable journey and their dedication to empowering others in the marketplace. The Flamingo Advantage, guided by Katie’s vision, serves as a platform for coaching Christian business owners to overcome challenges and achieve success in their own entrepreneurial pursuits.

Katie Hornor shared her gratitude for the recognition. “Even though there was no syllabus, and even though it’s not an official, accredited degree, it’s quite humbling to have others see and acknowledge God’s great work through you in spite of and because of the hard things He’s walked you through,” she said.

Katie further highlighted the honor of witnessing God’s influence in using her story for the betterment of others’ lives.

Addressing her followers and clients, Katie Hornor delivered a message of hope and perseverance. “Hold fast to hope, my friend. That hard thing you’re in right now – I believe God has a message that matters to someone else in your story as well. Don’t quit and don’t ever give up.”

Katie Hornor’s philosophy of blending faith with business is revolutionary. She challenges the notion that personal faith should be hidden in the business world. Katie empowers Christian business owners and entrepreneurs to integrate their beliefs into their entrepreneurial journey. She advocates that aligning with God in business not only retains relevance but also attracts the right audience while significantly impacting revenue and, consequently, providing believing business owners with the resources to create greater impact for the Kingdom.

The Flamingo Advantage, founded by Katie Hornor, provides specialized guidance to Christian entrepreneurs in various niches, enabling them to grow their businesses while upholding their Christian values. The centerpieces of The Flamingo Advantage’s approach are marketing and client experience that resonate with core beliefs and values.

Katie Hornor’s mission is to encourage business owners to embrace their unique strengths and perspectives, symbolized by their “inner flamingo,” and turn their business into an act of worship. Her teachings inspire a lifestyle of impactful messaging and world-changing endeavors.

For business owners eager to embrace a transformative and joyful journey, The Flamingo Advantage offers an online Christian Marketing Retreat to refresh business owners’ mindset, reinforce their strategies and ramp up their visibility. Info and registration can be found at www.FlamingoBizEvent.com.

About Katie Hornor and The Flamingo Advantage:

Katie Hornor, Founder/Visionary at The Flamingo Advantage, is a trailblazer in the field of Christian business coaching. Her mission is to guide entrepreneurs to harmonize their faith and business pursuits while embracing their uniqueness. The Flamingo Advantage offers transformative programs that empower Christian business owners to create a positive impact through marketing and client experiences that align with their core beliefs.