Road to Fertility Champions Breakthroughs in Natural Fertility Treatment

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BOCA RATON, Fla. (Aug. 28, 2023) – Road to Fertility, a trailblazer in reproductive health, is heralding a new era of natural fertility treatment, led by functional fertility specialist Dr.

BOCA RATON, Fla. (Aug. 28, 2023) – Road to Fertility, a trailblazer in reproductive health, is heralding a new era of natural fertility treatment, led by functional fertility specialist Dr. Marina Yuabova. With an unwavering commitment to empowering couples on their journey to parenthood, Road to Fertility is redefining fertility treatment, prioritizing holistic well-being and evidence-based therapies.

Road to Fertility’s proven fertility restoration program adapts to the unique needs of each patient, creating personalized treatment regimens that directly address the root causes of infertility. This approach has helped 85% to 87% of couples become pregnant, typically within six months of program initiation. The program works in four steps:

1. Discover sources of deregulation, inflammatory markers, and other causes of infertility through a comprehensive diagnostic testing process.

2. Remove toxins, stress, and sources of inflammation through platelet-rich plasma therapy, IV therapy, nutrition counseling, and other therapies.

3. Replace these stressors and toxins with customized nutrition plans, supplements, minerals, herbs, peptide therapy, and other treatments.

4. Regulate hormones and promote long-term, whole-body balance to improve fertility and support a healthy pregnancy.

“I began practicing with a wider focus on holistic health and wellness,” said Dr. Yuabova. “I noticed that, after several months of working together, many of my patients started getting pregnant as a result of their whole-body health improvements. Recognizing the tremendous success of this approach, I decided to further specialize my practice into a natural fertility clinic.”

Road to Fertility is one of the leading fertility clinics in Miami and Boca Raton, but Dr. Yuabova serves patients across the country in NV, NY and FL with coaching and natural therapies tailored to each patient’s goals. If patients are preparing to undergo in vitro fertilization (IVF) or other conventional infertility treatments, Road to Fertility uses specialized techniques to improve egg quality and prepare the body for successful treatment outcomes.

“Many cases of infertility are not properly investigated,” shares Dr. Yuabova. “That’s why we spend extensive amounts of time testing and honing in on each patient’s underlying causes, then building the right treatment plan to restore optimal fertility and wellness. More people are struggling with infertility than ever before, and I’m so excited and grateful for the opportunity to use my expertise to help my patients grow their families.”

About Road to Fertility: Road to Fertility practices holistic healthcare, helping each patient achieve peak health and sustainable wellness with personalized care. Road to Fertility uses natural therapies and functional techniques to help patients improve both fertility and whole-body health.

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