E-Commerce Conversational AI Chatbots: Custom-Trained ZBots Software Announced

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ZFire Media has announced its custom conversational AI ChatBot service for small to medium-sized business owners looking to transform their websites and enrich visitor experience.

The recently announced ZBots provide round-the-clock conversational assistance in the form of appointment booking, event registration, E-Commerce inquiries, and tech support. As ZFire Media explains, “ZBots can be trained to do just about anything a human answering a phone can do,” allowing business teams to allot their time and energy to higher-priority tasks.

For more information, please visit https://zfiremedia.com/zbots-the-future-of-ai-business-chatbots/

ZFire Media’s newly launched ZBots can be custom-trained using data from clients’ own websites to act as an extension of a company’s brand, products, and services. Able to answer questions about a company’s E-Commerce products and pricing, ZFire Media’s ZBots are on hand to guide customers through their buying journey.

The launch of the business chatbot software comes in light of helpscout.com data revealing that 64% of customers want to shop with companies that can meet their needs in real time. Providing 24-hour real-time sales support, the use of ZFire Media’s ZBots increases the likelihood of a closed sale by removing frustrating wait times and supporting customers in making a purchase there and then.

ZBots are kept up to date with the latest features and capabilities: engineered to understand context, resolve queries, and handle complex tasks such as closing deals, they can engage customers in meaningful, natural conversation that supports them all the way through the buying process to a closed sale.

ZBots can be easily integrated into business owners’ websites using a single line of code, making this a simple, cost-effective solution to increasing sales. ZFire Media provides ongoing maintenance and updates, including an optional performance and analytics add-on, allowing business owners to gain valuable insights into visitor interactions.

A spokesperson for the company said: “With ZBots, every visitor is a potential customer. By providing instant answers and guidance, you’re increasing the chances of conversion.” The company is currently offering a $1 trial for business owners looking to improve customer engagement and increase sales.

About ZFire Media

ZFire Media specializes in Autocomplete-Optimization marketing, supporting businesses in increasing their online visibility. The company utilizes breakthrough technology to get both local and national businesses in front of as many potential customers as possible.

Interested parties can find more information by visiting https://zfiremedia.com/zbots-the-future-of-ai-business-chatbots/