New Soul Link App Helps Elevate Spiritual Journey

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( — November 2, 2023) — We have an experienced guide in Soul Link creator Dr. Dawn Ella to help us during our life-changing journey of awakening.

Dr. Ella is a Doctor of Complementary, Integrative and Alternative Medicine, Soul Physician, Spiritual Guide, Doctor of Divinity, Doctor of Metaphysics, Energy Healer, and Mentor. 

In the chaos of our hectic personal and business lives, too often our soul becomes obscured or lost as if the lights in a room are growing dimmer and dimmer surrounding us in darkness. 

So, how can we switch on our inner light again so we can see clearly and find our way to our path to spiritual wellness? As the time-honored saying goes, “It’s always darkest before the dawn.” Now each of us can experience our own personal “Dawning” every day with Soul Link.

Soul Link is the first platform that puts the power of life-changing transcendence in the palm of your hands. This groundbreaking, patent-pending meditative tool – a combination of sound healing, cinematic earth visuals, and focus-enhancing waves — helps elevate your state of being.

The innovative formula helps you discover your true nature, search your soul, and improve the state of your mind/body connection. 

This remarkable new technology launches nationally on October 23, 2023, and will be available at and in the Apple App Store and Google Play. 

“I believe that everyone has the power within themselves to heal and thrive,” says Dr. Ella, “and with Soul Link, we aspire to be a guiding light, offering profound tools and wisdom to assist others in their journey of self-discovery, spiritual awakening, and lasting transformation.”

So, what is a soul? It is the immaterial essence of who you are at a human level. Consisting of your mind, heart, will, character, imagination, and feelings. It is your authentic self which confers your individuality and humanity. The soul is what gives our lives meaning and purpose.

Soul Link is a comprehensive meditation platform that helps elevate the user to his/her authentic self. It’s different than traditional meditation because it’s a different way to meditate. It allows you to keep your eyes open and it gives you a visual story to watch in detail on the screen.

This unique science-based formula, patent pending in 37 countries, enables the user to break down blockages, unlock their peak potential, and achieve long-lasting peace, happiness, and harmony like never before. 

“Soul Link was born out of a deep desire to help people navigate life’s challenges, heal past wounds, and awaken their authentic selves,” explains Dr. Ella. “I firmly believe that true healing occurs when we address not only the physical but also the emotional, mental, and spiritual aspects of our being.”

“By offering a diverse range of healing modalities, cutting-edge technology, and insightful resources, Soul Link becomes a sanctuary for seekers of growth and inner harmony,” she says. “I want to empower individuals to explore their inner worlds, embrace their uniqueness, and unlock their fullest potential.”

The riveting story of Soul Link began 17 years ago with a tragic car accident that left Dr. Ella in a coma for three days. During this harrowing experience, she did a lot of studying and soul-searching. 

“I had a spiritual connection prior to my accident, and thankfully, I had already been delving into my inner self. So, when I transitioned to the other side, I was told, ‘It’s not your time yet, you must return.’ “

That inner essence within me was remarkably potent. I was given a purpose,” she reflects.

“I was instructed to return because there are people you are destined to heal. When you receive such a profound message from something you’re profoundly connected to, it lingers with you indefinitely. Even today, what I heard resonates as powerfully as it did 17 years ago. The enduring strength of that inner light is what propelled me forward.”

“Within those studies,’ Dr. Ella says, “I was able to take all these pieces of what I was learning and put them into a particular formula where if you combined all the sound therapy it could have dramatic healing effects. Not only spiritually, but also mentally emotionally, and physically, and how it can assist in our awakening.”

While traditional meditation and meditation apps serve a purpose, Soul Link offers a thoroughly unique experience aimed at helping each user find his or her higher self. 

“Instead of somebody guiding you on a meditation, you get to visually experience that,” she says. “It also has musical compilations that have been created to help connect you to your authentic self and allow you to foster profound inner growth and help bring you to a closer connection to yourself.”

With more than a decade of work as a Soul Mentor, Dr. Ella wants us to know that “our soul is that inner voice that reminds us, there is so much more we can become; if we can only switch on the light!”

For additional information contact, Soul Link