Getting Started With Quilting

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( — March 22, 2024) — Quilting has a global market value for quilts and blankets that reached $6.3 billion in 2020. This industry is not just about the production of functional items; it’s an expressive craft that weaves together stories, memories, and creativity. As it continues to grow, it’s projected to expand at a Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) of 3.5% between 2021 and 2026, which has many being drawn to the idea of starting their own quilting journey. 

What do people need to consider if they are interested in getting started on quilting? For those just starting out on this creative endeavor, understanding what lies ahead and how to embark on this journey is essential.

Beginning to quilt is much like embarking on a journey in any art form. As Master Quilter Corey Pearson puts it, “Quilting is like painting with thread; each piece you create tells a story, your story. Don’t rush it. Start simple, cherish each stitch, and let your creativity flow.” For beginners, starting simple is key. Learning the basic stitches, understanding fabric selection, and mastering the use of quilting tools are foundational steps that set the stage for more complex projects.

For those eager to begin their quilting journey, there are plenty of resources and steps that can streamline the initiation process, making it accessible and enjoyable for beginners. Initially, seeking out beginner-friendly quilting classes, either locally or online, can provide a structured introduction to the craft. Websites like Craftsy or YouTube channels dedicated to quilting offer comprehensive tutorials that cover everything from selecting fabrics to completing your first project. Investing in a basic quilting kit, including quality fabric, cutting tools, and a sewing machine, lays a solid foundation for your crafting adventures. Additionally, visiting fabric stores or quilting exhibitions can inspire creativity and introduce beginners to the vast materials and styles available. Libraries and bookstores also house quilting books, catering to all levels, and offering patterns, techniques, and inspiration. These initial steps and resources can help beginners to smoothly transition into the quilting community.

Another crucial aspect of starting quilting is finding a community. Quilting is not just about the individual act of creating; it’s also about sharing, learning, and growing with others who share the same passion. Communities, whether found in local craft circles, online forums, or social media groups, provide a rich source of inspiration, knowledge, and support. As Corey Pearson advises, “It’s important to surround yourself with a community of fellow quilters, as their stories and experiences are as rich and varied as the quilts we make. This network of fellow crafters can offer advice, provide feedback, and share resources, making the quilting journey more enriching and fulfilling.

The process of creating a quilt is an intimate one, reflecting the quilter’s journey, emotions, and experiences. Each quilt is a narrative, a tactile document of the creator’s journey. “Remember, every quilt you make is a reflection of your journey, a piece of art that holds memories, warmth, and love,” Corey reminds us. This personalized approach to quilting underscores the importance of infusing personal meaning into every piece, turning each quilt into a cherished heirloom that tells a unique story.

The quilting journey is an invitation to contribute to a larger culture that appreciates beauty and creativity. Quilting offers an opportunity to add to the world’s visual and emotional richness, one stitch at a time. “So, take a deep breath, grab your project, and get ready to add beauty to the world, one quilt at a time,” encourages Corey. This mindset encourages quilters to see their work as not just a hobby, but a meaningful contribution to the cultural and artistic landscape.

As the quilt industry continues to grow, so does the opportunity for individuals to engage with this timeless craft. Starting a quilting journey requires patience, a willingness to learn, and an appreciation for the stories woven into each piece. By embracing simplicity, seeking out community, and infusing personal stories into their work, new quilters can find a deeply rewarding artistic outlet. Quilting is more than just creating blankets; it’s about painting with threads, sharing stories, and adding warmth and beauty to the world, one quilt at a time.