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Every Press Release gets Followed Up by a Newswire Journalist

Our team of Newswire journalists are continually seeking opportunities to write about real businesses doing newsworthy activities. Every press release submitted through Newswire gets followed up by a Newswire Journalist.

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Newswire: A Subsidiary of Extensions, Inc. (Stock Symbol: EXTI)

Unlock the wisdom trapped within social networks and transform your Social Networking experiences from a novelty to a productivity tool.

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Integrate GoToWebinar With Aweber or GetResponse to Retain Valuable Leads

If You Are Using Webinars as a Sales Tool for Your Business and You Require Your Prospects To Opt-In Twice, Once to Join Your List and Again To Register for Your Webinar, You Could Be Losing Between 25-50% of Your Leads and the Money You Spend to Generate These Leads.

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