Why Building Better Customer Profiles Will Increase Ecommerce Sales

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(Newswire.net — October 24, 2018) — Not every businesses takes the time to build out in-depth buyer personas or customer profiles. Still, almost all professionals understand cursory details about the type of clients they can attract. Factors like budget, location, and industry, all influence whether or not a lead is a “good fit” for a given business. Yet, many business owners lack critical information about their leads and customers. After all, a lead is much more than a set of numbers in a database; a lead is a human being with wants, needs, fears, and concerns like everyone else. And when business owners begin to think of leads in those terms, they can begin to create better marketing content –– and ultimately make more sales. In fact, here are three reasons why forming more in-depth customer profiles will increase your sales revenue:

Streamlined Sales Process

Some companies opt to cast as wide a net as possible when advertising their product or services. On the surface, this might seem like a good idea; the more people you can reach, the more sales you’ll make. Right? Well, not necessarily. The goal of any online marketing campaign shouldn’t be to reach as many people as possible, but rather to connect with as many qualified leads as possible. That way, you won’t have to waste money building ads for for uninterested consumers, and your sales staff won’t get stuck on calls that aren’t profitable or productive.

Savvy Product Development

Every good product addresses a need and solves a problem. Unsurprisingly, if a business doesn’t appreciate what their customer base needs, they’ll struggle to improve their current products. What’s more, companies that are looking to expand into new markets or develop new products have to understand which demographics to pursue. The only way to determine that is through market research. Note, you may want to consider different approaches at first and compare the effectiveness of primary vs secondary research methods before you implement a new marketing strategy or launch a new product. A little patience early on could pay off massively down the line.

Improved Customer Satisfaction

Consumers won’t spend a great deal of time sifting through your ecommerce store looking for a product they need. If they’re not able to find what they want quickly, they’ll go somewhere else. Therefore, business owners who know which products and web pages resonate with their most qualified leads can reconfigure their site and improve customer-retention rates as a result. Remember, anything you can do to make it easier for your leads to move through the sales process is a good thing!

The Bottom Line

Savvy business owners don’t simply stumble across valuable consumer data. Instead, proactive entrepreneurs take it upon themselves to perform market research and conduct surveys with current customers. Learning how best to glean the information you need from consumers is the first step toward making better customer profiles and buyer personas.