4 Tips for Giving Your Startup an Extra Boost in Digital Marketing

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(Newswire.net — March 18, 2019) — Digital marketing is a game every startup is playing, but not all of them are doing well. A lot of practices become oversaturated by companies using them again and again, and sometimes you have to think fresh to give yourself a boost. That’s why we have a few suggestions to help shake things up.

Start A Podcast

Starting a podcast can be a great method for earning a dedicated audience. The industry has become one of the fastest growing in media; in fact, 44 percent of Americans have listened to a podcast at some point. Those who are avid podcast listeners tune in for practically every episode and understand what a podcast is short for. The first thing you need to consider is what benefit a podcast would bring to your business and why you feel the topic you are pursuing is one people are willing to hear.

In looking at the landscape of your industry, asses what voice you feel is missing and why. The format for a podcast often varies from interviews to a rundown of news, but it’s the other details, such as how personalities of co-hosts collaborate, that can make a show. The theme of your show should be represented by a brand that can stand just as strong next to your current one, providing an anchor for insight as much as it is entertaining. This is something you should invest a lot of time and effort into, but it’s also a topic that should come organically and be an activity you look forward to adding to your marketing mix.

Invest In Writing More

Although it can seem like an arduous task if you’re not used to it, writing regularly is an absolute must to getting more attention towards your startup. Whether you host a blog internally or create a Medium account, creating more written content periodically will not only help boost your reputation as a thought leader but also as in terms of SEO. In fact, as noted by Hubspot, content marketing gets three times more leads than paid search. And if you’re aiming to get metrics like that, it might be smart to invest in a content marketing plan.

Jot down a few topics or article ideas that you feel qualified to write about, as well as some deadlines on when first drafts are due. Especially if you’re a one-person show for producing content, having self-discipline is going to be key for keeping on schedule. Additionally, while you don’t want your articles to be overrun with search terms, it’s smart to have a few key terms in the back of your mind when writing you want to implement more to boost SEO. As you keep writing, don’t forget to recycle and repost articles consistently as well, repurposing it with new perspectives that fit amongst the mix of contemporary conversation.

Start Running Paid Advertising Campaigns on Social

While it’s something that you should consider a gradual process, running paid social campaigns can be a smart strategy for getting to know your audience better on social media. According to BrandWatch, social media users grew 320 million from September 2017 to October 2018, showcasing just how rapidly the landscape is changing, as well as why getting your metrics in place to find your niche audience is key. Even campaigns of just a couple hundred dollars targeted correctly can yield major returns, giving yourself a sample size to work with in making your next campaign even more relatable. However, that all starts with Facebook for Business.

If you’re not familiar, Facebook for Business is the advertising platform for both Instagram and Facebook. Designed with rich tools that provide significant amounts of depth about the profiles you can build, Facebook for Business gives you the ability to go after people with criteria from the average household income of where they grew up to what grocery they shop at and any other data point you find relevant in between. Don’t be afraid of digging around the different tools and features of this platform, as it’s one that can help you also understand what you should be looking for in strategy too. After you give it a few runs, you’ll not only feel better about where you stand amongst your base, but how to reach them as well.

Find Your Influencers

Finally, one of the fastest growing segments of digital marketing, influencer campaigns can hold quite a bit of weight. According to Influencer Marketing Hub, businesses on average are making $6.50 for every dollar spent on influencer marketing campaigns, which is a pretty sizeable return. However, the formula for finding the perfect influencer for your business can vary depending on the type of follower base you’re trying to go after, as well as the value that foundation provides.

Influencer campaigns go well beyond just consumer products on platforms like Instagram, but can also extend to thought leadership placement or insights for b2b companies on platforms like LinkedIn or Reddit. Furthermore, influencers can often offer you placement to an audience for a specific task; for example, if you’re a startup trying to land funding, then getting a notable writer to even just tweet about your company can be a huge step in further proving your validity. As these are the individuals you’re most trying to align yourself with online, take your time on making a wishlist that you feel like will take your startup’s presence to the next level.

What are some digital marketing techniques you’ve found advantageous for your startup? Comment with your insights below!

Digital marketing is a game every startup is playing, but not all of them are doing well. A lot of practices become oversaturated by companies using them again and again, and sometimes you have to think fresh to give yourself a boost. That’s why we have a few suggestions to help shake things up.