Top Trends in the Recruitment Industry in 2019

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( — April 23, 2019) — If you have learned anything from your experience in the recruitment industry over the last couple of years, you would have understood that the candidates have been receiving an upper hand when compared to the scenario in the initial days of the industry. It has actually become a market driven by the candidates rather than the recruiters. From that perspective, we thought sharing a few insights into what can be expected of a recruitment strategy in 2019 would be helpful. What are the new trends that have been emerging? Here we go with our views on the topic.

Top Trends in Recruitment Industry in 2019

There are several new trends emerging in the recruitment process. Most of these happen to be technology driven. Let us try exploring them one by one.

Inbound Recruitment Marketing

Recruitment has become candidate driven in recent times as we have already found over the last few years. Focus has shifted to the inbound marketing. What that means is you now treat your recruits or the candidates just the same way has you would treat your customers.

The aim is to proactively engage in a scene where you would attract the potential candidates and convince them to make you their next employer. Advertising an open position and inviting candidates to it is no longer a solution. You need to be continually engaged in the lookout for the candidates so that your talent pool remains active. Software driven recruitment strategy can be helpful in this task.

Changing trends in Workforce

The conventional 9 to 5 working pattern has been experiencing a huge change over the last few years. The focus has been on the new age concepts like remote working, work from home and flexible working hours. The gig economy is getting a widespread recognition in the recruitment scenario.

Younger workers prefer the right balance between work and life. This is perhaps what should explain the focus on the remote working trends. You, as a recruiter, should be willing to make the necessary adaptations in your work culture. The fact that more than 75 percent of the workforce will consist of millennials, it assumes even more importance.

Focus on Data Driven market

Like most other spheres of our life and business, the recruitment industry has also become a fostering ground for data driven technology. If you really want to have the best talent for your brand, you should be focusing more on the data. The number of candidates screened, their profiles and the retention rates are a few factors that can have a great bearing on your recruitment strategy.

Efficient use of data will ensure that there is less chances of errors. You no longer need to be focused on the guesswork and can ideally focus on the real time data for working your strategies. Of course, handling that kind of a mammoth data will involve an efficient use of the technology and recruitment software options can be a great option in this regard.

Candidate relationship management

CRM has been one of the buzzwords in the recruitment industry of late. This will help you manage and improve your relationships with the right candidates. The CRM solutions can be effective in handling both existing and future candidates.

In fact, an effective CRM solution has become one of the prime trends you would be focusing on in 2019. It can help you work in an efficient manner to attract talent. Attracting talent has been one of the huge challenges in the realm of recruitment strategy and one of the trends you should be focusing on.

Recruitment Automation Tools

These tools will be helpful in automating the recruitment processes. The concept of automation tools has been the in-thing for quite a long time. However, it has become one of the prime options and practical trends over the last couple of years. Tools that integrate both ATS and recruitment marketing have been in vogue.

These automation tools like Greenhouse recruitment software help you streamline and simplify your hiring process so that it is more efficient and smarter. If you are not ready yet to implement these automation techniques, you would run the risk of losing the right talent.

In Conclusion

Well, that was how the recruitment process is experiencing a change. Of course, these are just a few of the trends that we would want you to focus on if you really want to make the most out of the emerging technologies in the recruitment industry.