Ways to Track Employee Attendance – Manage their Hours

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(Newswire.net — June 19, 2019) — Businesses can’t make, sell or promote their product without the diligence of their employees. It is important for a company to record the hours their workers put in to accurately compensate them, acknowledge those who are always punctual, and to successfully implement those who don’t follow attendance regulations. There are ways to track employee performance that makes payroll a breeze.

Ways to Track Employee Attendance

When it comes to tracking employee attendance, there are many ways to go about it. Here we will cover those options, as well as determine which option is the most efficient.

Mobile App

Mobile apps include many features that allow management to relay information like employee schedules, events and a company calendar. Employees are also able to use a payroll calculator that is also a highlight of the app. If management chooses, they have the option to make clocking in wifi dependent. That way, employees are only able to start their work shift on at their facility, unless given permission to work from home.

Wifi Attendance

This new, modern app is great to track employees without any errors clocking in, as long as the office has wifi. As soon as employees are within the range of the work wifi, they are clocked in for the day until they are out of the range and are disconnected from the wifi at the end of the day. These types of apps include other interactive features that allows the employees to communicate with each other or with management.

ID Clock in

A method that doesn’t need the use of a cell phone or any kind of app is to equip the work facility with a tablet or monitor that allows employees to clock in with an ID number that is assigned to them upon hiring. This keeps employees reliable as they aren’t able to clock in anywhere else except for the time they are at work.

Sign in Sheet

An option for those who only have a small staff for a small business. The only negative to this is an employee writing in a time that differs from when they actually arrive or leave, however, if the right authority is around everyday, they can confirm the times that employees are recording. Management is also able to make notes of employee performance on the sign in sheet as well for their use.

In Conclusion

No matter if the company is employed with 10 or 300 people, there are many ways to track employee attendance through online applications or manually signing in. Using a mobile app is a very efficient method for attendance management, as well as be able to approve time cards without having to be in the office.