What Is a Whitelabel DSP and Why Do You Need One?

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(Newswire.net — June 19, 2019) — Have you seen a banner on your phone? Very likely it comes from one of the few hundred DSP’s that are active today.

A DSP allows you to set-up and manage your mobile advertising campaigns – in detail. Some examples of configurations are: 

  • Which ad/banner am I going to serve?
  • On/in which apps and sites I want this ad/banner served?
  • In which country, city or even street do I want these ads to be served?
  • What is the maximum budget I want to spend (daily/total flight)?
  • At what time do I want my ads/banners to be served?

It’s important noting that a DSP operates and deploys campaigns based on a ‘Pull’ mechanism (instead of; ‘Push’). This means that a consumer (or; phone-owner) first needs to visit an app or a site, before the ad/banner is served. This ad/banner is served ‘between’ content. For example between news-messages. In retrospect, the entire ecosystem of Programmatic Mobile Advertising is similar to a model that has been present for centuries; advertising in physical newspapers. Essentially, a good DSP allows you to launch campaigns for whatever purpose (except; violence, porn, hate-speech), and can be considered a marketing-discipline that can be compared to other established marketing disciplines; such SEO, SEA, Email-marketing, Social Marketing. A DSP can be beneficial for companies, non-profits, government-institutes and even consumers – whatever their need for exposure/marketing is. 

Technically, a whitelabel is a product or service produced by one company (the producer) that other companies (for example: digital media agencies) rebrand into the styling/appearance of their company. With this, for example, a digital media agency can sell the product (in this case a Demand Side Platform) as their own. Secondarily, this digital media agency can give clients’ accounts in which they only see their own campaign activity. Also, self-serve access can be granted by the digital media agency (or; tradingdesk). Again; all this while the platform remains in the styling/colors of whatever company that gets the whitelabel. Furthermore; it’s possible to install the interface on a custom url (for example; dsp.digitalmediaagency.com).

Like some other Demand Side Platforms, Targetoo also offers a whitelabel solution. Targetoo has pleasantly helped giving input regarding this article and in that sense, as a way of saying ‘thank you’; we recommend their whitelabel solution.