Dr. Max Hutton- Here Are the Most Common Vascular Diseases and Their Treatments

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(Newswire.net — July 15, 2019) — The human body consists of flexible tubes that move fluids throughout the body. Some experts claim that if the tubes were stretched end-to-end, they would go around the globe several times. Some of the tubes are very tiny, while others are large. They perform critical roles in the body, such as moving blood with nutrients and oxygen to the tissues and moving blood with waste products to points where it is eliminated from the body.

The entire network, comprising of tiny and large tubes (vessels) is known as the vascular system. The large vessels are the arteries and arterioles while the tiny vessels are the capillaries. Any condition that interferes with the proper functioning of this system is known as a vascular disease. Vascular diseases can affect your arteries, veins, and lymph vessels affecting the flow of blood to and from various parts of the body. If the tissues don’t get enough blood, it can lead to conditions such as ischemia and other life-threatening health problems. Below are some of the most common vascular conditions. 

Peripheral Artery Disease and atherosclerosis 

The human heart has its circulatory system that feeds the heart muscle with nutrients and oxygen. The tubes that supply the heart with blood are known as coronary arteries. On the other hand, peripheral arteries are responsible for carrying blood from the heart to other tissues in the body. Both peripheral arteries and coronary arteries can have cholesterol, fat deposits, and other substances on their inner walls. We refer to these deposits as plaque. The plaque can build up over time, hampering the free flow of blood. Eventually, the tissues fail to receive enough nutrients and oxygen, leading to a host of health problems as seen below. 

• If there is a plaque in the coronary arteries, it can lead to chest pains or even a heart attack. 

• Blockage can also occur inside the carotid arteries (blood vessels that carry blood to the brain) causing stroke. 

• If a blockage occurs to the blood vessels supplying blood to the kidneys, it can cause them to overwork leading to uncontrolled blood pressure and even heart failure. 

• Blockages of the blood vessels can also occur on the lower body. For instance, if a blood vessel in the leg blocks, it can cause severe pains and cramps. It can also cause sores and skin color change. 

Varicose veins and Peripheral venous disease 

As highlighted earlier, the main function of the vein is to carry blood from the tissues to the heart. One unique thing with veins is that they have valves which prevent backflow of blood. The presence of valves and relaxation of muscles helps in keeping the flow of blood in one direction. If the valves are damaged, blood may pool inside the vessels. This is what causes varicose veins. 

Varicose veins may appear as small red or purple protrusions on the thighs, knees, and the calves. Spider veins occur when the blood capillaries swell. Studies have shown that varicose veins are more common in women than men. Some studies also suggest that varicose veins run in families. Other factors that may increase the likelihood of having varicose veins include being overweight, pregnancy, and standing or sitting for extended periods. 

Treating vascular diseases at Metro Vein Centers 

Dr. Max Hutton, a vein doctor at Metro Vein Centers, notes that there are a host of vein treatment options offered in their clinics. They include endovenous laser ablation (EVLA), radiofrequency ablation (RFA), and ultrasound guided sclerotherapy. Dr. Max Hutton notes that these treatments are safe, effective, painless, and they are conducted in-office. 

Dr. Max Hutton serves as the Chief of Clinical Development at Metro Vein Centers, one of the best vein clinics in the country. The vein doctor completed his residency at the University Hospitals of Cleveland and later on went to Cleveland Clinic Foundation for his fellowship. Dr. Max Hutton has amassed a wealth of experience working as a vein doctor in various treatment centers.