3 Simple and Inexpensive Smart Home Additions You Could Make Today

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(Newswire.net — October 20, 2021) —

A lot of people think that building a smart home is a complicated and expensive affair. In reality, most smart home additions can be implemented simply by installing them and using an app. In most cases, you won’t even need external help.

Another great thing is that you don’t necessarily have to go all out. You can implement solutions that are vital for you or that you’re comfortable with. You can also start small and explore other options later. Let’s take a look at a few simple and inexpensive smart home additions you should consider making today.

A Smart Doorbell

This is one of the simplest, yet most beneficial smart home additions that you could make. A smart doorbell is much more than a doorbell with a camera. It’s a bona fide security device and can make your life more convenient in so many ways.

If you routinely have people deliver things to your door, you won’t have a reason to directly interact with them. There are also fewer chances that someone will steal your packages. Some doorbells have motion sensors that will alert you if there’s any activity and allow you to signal the intruder. You can answer your doorbell from anywhere you are on the globe and see who’s at the door. Having such access with such a small and inexpensive device is something most homeowners would love, so we suggest you start looking at a few models.

Home Automation System

This is the first smart home renovation many people think about, and home automation does have many benefits. Being able to schedule tasks and run them on auto-pilot can be very useful in a busy household. Operating your home remotely is also great; either you want to start cooking the roast beef you left in the oven before you come in, or you are always worried that you have left something on.

You can use multiple home devices together seamlessly and control them from one simple hub, as long as they’re compatible with each other, so that’s something you will need to look at if you want the true smart home experience.

Smart Light Bulbs

A lot of people may ask themselves why they would need smart light bulbs, but it’s only because they don’t know what they do. First of all, most of them are either CFL or LED lights, meaning that they’re much more energy-efficient and will last much longer as well. There are also plenty of things that you can do with smart light bulbs that you can’t do with regular bulbs.

For instance, some will allow you to change them to virtually any color that you want. You can control them from a distance, meaning that you can use them to feign activity inside the house. You can also use them as a trigger or for signaling. You can use lighting to alert children that they have to go or get out of bed, or you can use it to alert you that someone is at the door, for example. The best thing is that you won’t have to do any modifications to your existing light fixtures to use them.

As you can see, making your home smarter doesn’t have to cost an arm. All of these options are accessible and will make your home better the instant you install them.