FBI Arrested a Man Who Planed to Blow up The White House

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(Newswire.net — January 15, 2015)  Cincinnati, Ohio — The FBI has arrested an Ohio man who allegedly inspired by ISIS, planned to detonate a series of bombs in Washington, DC, according to an ABC News report. The plan was reportedly inspired by the Islamic State.

Officials told ABC that 20-year-old Raheel Mahrus Ubaydah, born name Christopher Lee Cornell, targeted US lawmakers as enemies. He has been charged with attempting to kill a US public official.

Reportedly, Cornell is accused of planning an assault on the US Capitol that includes detonating hand made so-called pipe bombs. In addition, he planned to use a firearm to finish off anyone who survived the explosion, ABC News reported.

The FBI arrested Cornell as he was allegedly taking the “final steps” of his plan, setting up travel arrangements to DC, buying 2 semi-automatic weapons and 600 rounds of ammunition. The Bureau learned of Cornell from an informant who Cornell confided his plan to attack the Capitol. According to court documents, the informant met with Cornell twice in person last year and he informed the FBI after Cornell told him his plan.

The same informant originally warned the FBI about Cornell and his pro Islamic State posts on Twitter. Reportedly, Cornell wrote, “I believe that we should just wage jihad under our own orders and plan attacks and everything.”

“I believe we should meet up and make our own group in alliance with the Islamic State here and plan operations ourselves,” Cornell posted on line, according to the FBI.

Following Cornell’s arrest, the FBI and Department of Homeland Security alerted law enforcement about the case.

“Terrorist group members and supporters will almost certainly continue to use social media platforms to disseminate English language violent extremist messages,” the notification said.