British Actor Quits His Acting Career to Fight ISIS

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( — June 3, 2015) — A British actor Michael Enright, known for small roles in famous TV series and Hollywood movies such as the Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. and The ‘Pirates of the Caribbean,’ has quit his acting career and joined Kurdish fighters to combat ISIS.

Manchester-born Michael Enright was seen in a video made by the Kurdish People’s Protection Units (YPG), according to reports printed in The Independent.

“ISIS, they need to be wiped completely from the face of the Earth, they are stain of humanity,” Enright said in the video. “This is the call for humanity to obliterate them,” he said.

Enright said in the video he has been to the Middle East before, and grew to really like the people he met. Praising the Arabian’s hospitality, Enright said he has learned a little about the Islam, and learned to pray as Muslim to better understand the religion.

“I was interested in how do they get to God and was fascinated with that,” Enright said.

The actor from Manchester earlier told Dubai-based Al-Aan TV that he had been outraged by a video in which Islamic State terrorists “cut off an American journalist’s head,” but he decided to join fighter against Jihadists after the video released in February, showing a Jordanian pilot being burned alive.

Living in America, Enright said he love American people and he sympathizes with American journalists executed by ISIS. He said he feel obligated to American people to do something about the ISIS militants. Enright say they are not Muslims, just plain killers.

“That is my spirit, I didn’t come here to run. I came here to fight, and if I have to die, then I die,” said Enright, explaining why he chose to aid the Kurdish fighters.

Asked about leaving his friends, family, and the good safe life behind, Enright said he had written to them to say goodbye in case he doesn’t come back.

“I came to suffer, I didn’t come here for the party, you know,” former Actor now fighter said in a video. He said he realized it was going to be an experience fraught with danger when he decided to join a war against ISIS. “I’m OK, I’m ready to go,” Enright said as he shared his thoughts prior departure from cozy Western society to travel to the Middle East.

Comparing the real war with the movies, Actor said some scenes are very similar. He describes one scene where his group liberated a village from ISIS, and people emerged from their houses greeting them. “These scenes we saw only in the movies,” Enright said. He added that he was focused only on fighting the ISIS forces and not much on anything else.