As Solar Panels Costs Plummet, Consumers Win & Utility Companies Retaliate.

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( — October 21, 2014) Las Vegas, NV — Solar Panel costs have steadily trended downward for the past few years. To consumers and panel manufacturer’s, this is a huge win. What about your utility company? Publicly, everyone can agree renewable energy is good for the planet, our country and our community. Privately, however, as more consumers install cost-efficient solar systems on their homes, not only are power companies revenues beginning to shrink, but with most “net metering” agreements, the utilities have to buy back unused power that consumers generate.

The mouse is beginning to roar across the country. 

In Arizona, for example, a consumer advocacy group accuses Arizona power companies of pushing for large solar farms as opposed to individual empowerment through rooftop solar panels. According to one group, “Monopolies want to extinguish the independent rooftop solar market in Arizona to protect its monopoly.” 

The rumblings are not limited to Arizona. In more than a few states, including California, Colorado, Idaho, and Louisiana, consumer solar panel installations are being targeted for additional fees. And the outcome of these power struggles could have a major impact on the future of solar in the U.S. 

As little as a few years ago, utility companies had no interest in squashing individual solar power. The PR by supporting the “green movement” was well worth the negligible revenue loss. With less than 1% of the country on solar, utility companies continued to enjoy the guaranteed earnings from their monopoly. 

And it is about to change.

As photovoltaic prices for solar panels continue to rapidly drop and tax incentives remain in force, the momentum for low-cost renewable energy is finally becoming mainstream. Can legislative and subversive opposition from utilities, slow down or even interrupt a solar boom before it becomes mainstream?

Before one smiles and dismisses the concept of being “anti-solar” as nonsense, take a look at the actions, not the PR, of utility companies. Several utilities, including Arizona Public Service and Denver-based Xcel Energy, have documented their intent with political muscle. Even in “Green is God” California legislature, a utility company sponsored bill would add $120 a year in fees to rooftop solar customers. 

In Nevada, NV Energy has apparently put up no such opposition. Homeowners in Nevada are blessed with so much sunshine, in fact, that much of their excess solar power is sold to Californians. However, history has show us that in order to take advantage of an opportunity, timing is critical.

The best time to save money and escape any potential additional legislative hurdles is now. Consumer awareness and demand of solar options is on the rise.

One solar company, SolarHomeNevada, has gone the extra mile and published a book “The Ultimate Consumer Guide to Solar Energy.” Inside this short ebook, you’ll not only find 10 simple steps to save a bundle of energy, but they include a 21-point checklist to ask any company before installing solar.

Before publishing the book on Amazon this year, SolarHomeNevada is offering the guide for free and available as a download to residents of Nevada.

About Solar Home Nevada

Solar Home Nevada was established in 2006 from a vision to provide affordable means of reducing residential and commercial energy use and cost. This vision became reality when the principals, Federal and State Tax Credit Incentives, and Utility and Manufacturers Rebates brought together award-winning and reasonably priced technologies; developing cost-efficient packages for whole-house and commercial energy reduction. If you pay taxes and hate paying ever increasing utility bills you have a choice…. INVEST IN YOUR PROPERTY OR THROW YOUR MONEY DOWN THE DRAIN. Most program technologies were created by and sponsored by the U.S. Department of Energy and will create a positive cash flow for your home or business, reduce energy consumption, lower energy bills, improve the quality of your home or business environment, and help to make your property more valuable.

Solar Home Nevada

5502 Fort Apache Road, Suite #100
Las Vegas, NV United States 89148
