American Moms Given Stroller Safety Advice

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( — December 26, 2014) Las Vegas, NV — Not reading the documentation that’s included with a brand-new stroller has been referred to as the principle cause for children getting injured, and in some cases even the cause for a death. Co-director Neil Speight of Freddie and Sebbie states if moms and dads do not read the stroller manual, then they could be confronted with picking up the pieces after a horrible mishap. He stated… “Small bodies are really quite fragile, and they do need special handling, so mistakes are quickly made, so the first thing to do, even prior to utilizing the stroller, is to read the manual, which will certainly note a lot of important cautions and suggestions for moms and dads.” 

Mr Speight discussed that in general most mothers were committing several usual mistakes with their strollers, saying… “One cause for accidents is hot coffee in the cup holder being tipped on an infant, causing nasty burns, so the best thing to do is to simply use the stroller cup holders for cool beverages, and if the call for a hot beverage arises, then just park that stroller and grab a table instead.” 

He also described the number of mothers just weren’t patient enough to display their babies to the local community, stating that infants have to be able to sit upright with heads held up to ride safely in basic stroller seats, which is when they are about 8 weeks old. He continued… “Something else to think about concerning age, is when to start stroller jogging, a popular activity for many American moms, as a baby will have to have actually established a strong enough neck and core muscles to safely handle any bumps en-route. Once again, it’s safe to start running with a stroller when they are about 2 months old, however go and speak with a pediatrician if uncertain.” 

Fingertip amputation is another common mishap triggered by moms folding their strollers with the baby too close, with Maclaren needing to recall over 1 million items in 2009 following 12 fingertip amputations had been reported by the US Customer Product Safety Commission. Neil said… “To stay clear of any nasty mishaps, simply make certain that while folding or unfolding the stroller, that the baby is a safe range away, along with making sure a stroller is securely locked open before positioning an infant in it.” 

Finally Neil stated that risky storage like hanging overladen bags on the back of a stroller could likewise result in an accident, with it tipping over on top of a kid or with the kid sat in it. He said… “If possible, it’s best to lug heavy things in the stroller’s basket, as well as stay clear of leaving sharp things in any rear pockets, as children can get harmed when leaning back. Another idea for storage would be to utilize strong stroller hook clips that are developed with security in mind, and one final suggestion would be to use 2 stroller hook clips for more secure weight distribution, which will certainly prevent tipping.” 

For further information about the new Freddie and Sebbie Stroller Hook Clips, visit 






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