Hair Restoration for Valentine’s Day Transforms 47-year old Man’s Life

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( — February 6, 2015) Stamford, CT — For Carl Vittorino, losing his hair by age 40 was a big blow to his self-esteem.  “I had a very young looking face and I work out, so I’m in good shape.  Yet, I was like totally invisible to women,” he says.  He decided to take steps to restore his full head of hair through hair replacement, but it didn’t work.  It was a disaster.   “When I first tried hair restoration I was so excited about how incredible I looked once it was on, I completely overlooked the fact that they essentially sent me on my way with zero info on how to maintain and care for it.  Well, after 3-4 weeks the front began to lift. I had been washing it daily and washing it like normal hair so needless to say, I made every mistake possible.  This was the old school system, attached with crazy glue.  I tried to fix it and it turned into a complete and utter disaster. I removed it and wore a hat for 2 months until my natural hair grew in enough to be able to go back to showing my head.”


Fast forward to Valentine’s Day 2014, and he had lost nearly all hair on the crown and top of and front of his head.  The sides and back were thick and full, but nothing else.  “I’d say maybe I had 500 hairs on the top of my head.  So after some Googling, I found Ron Milazzo and Thinning Hair Solutions by Mr. Carmine nearby in Stamford, CT.  I met with Ron who spent a considerable amount of time with me, and I told him about my previous disaster.  Ron explained more of the pitfalls and cautions about having their hair system.  How to take care of it, wash it, and what to wash it with.  I work out heavily, so I had a lot of worries about sweat.  Ron explained how sweat will loosen the system, but then went into detail about how to simply handle it and how to just do a few things and let it be, let my temp go down and the system reactivate on its own which it does.”


“So my next issue – I didn’t want to just show up one day from being bald to suddenly having this head of hair.  I asked Ron if we could do a small part of my scalp, the crown, and have it for 4-6 weeks and when it was time to come back we could do more (yes depending on your skin, or if it’s really oily, your activity level, etc…you may have to come in every 2 weeks to up to 4-5 weeks – again it’s something attached to your body and needs maintenance.)”


“I went home and waited to see if my little daughter and more importantly if my wife would make a comment – neither of them noticed. For the next week, absolutely no one noticed, still hadn’t said anything to my wife, so even my wife, my toughest critic, hadn’t even noticed.  Ran into a friend I haven’t seen for about 6-7 weeks, he said I was looking great, must be working out, looking tan…never said anything, never looked at my hair or noticed.  I will say mentally I was the only one who had difficulty accepting it.”


“Ron’s Hair Advantage system when it is applied, it honestly is nearly invisible.  Now for the big test – the wife.  She was stunned when she saw me.  Immediately she said I can’t just show up with hair, what will the people at the places we frequent say.  So I told her, I already went there, everyone saw me, everyone loved it, so that excuse was finished.  Her only complaint is it looked a little too big, and yeah it did.  I needed to wash and condition it and shape it to be a little more tamed.  But Ron said you have to wait at least 48 hrs. before washing it, so I waited two days, I washed it and it’s down lower and looks even better than ever.  My wife likes it more, too.” Carl explained.


“I said before I felt like I was invisible to women.  Well, in the last 2 days I’ve caught girls looking at me and when I was at the deli picking up some sandwiches, the woman behind the counter made the comment as she handed me my order “here you go handsome.”  I haven’t gotten a compliment like that in years so I have to say, that it’s a great boost to my well-being to actually fell attractive again.”


Vittorini went on to say, “Ron is an amazing professional.  He loves his work and what he does.  I came to him in February, he spent more time discussing the pros and cons and never gave me any kind of sales pitch, didn’t dangle hair in front of me to try to persuade me.  He was very upfront, very honest.”


“I style with pushed back hair in a pompadour style, it’s what I used to hair, what I always liked and the style I felt most comfortable with.  This of course exposes the hairline to direct line of sight.  The derma lens is nearly invisible and looks great.”


“I’m 47 but I have a wrinkle free young face.  The system is a life changer.  I’ve gotten looks from women, they start conversations with me.  I’ve gotten compliments.  I’ve had two women who thought I was was either 30 or 32.  I can’t tell you how incredible that is for a person’s self-esteem.  I don’t feel embarrassed or invisible to women anymore.”


“Let me tell you, getting this hair replacement system was better than therapy!!!”


Getting Started Is Easy – Call Today 929-244-2706 for a free consultation.  Ron Milazzo personally and candidly answers your questions on hair restoration and thinning hair, so there is no longer any reason to wait.  Learn today how you can restore your full head of natural looking hair by calling 929-244-2706. 




About Thinning Hair Solutions by Mr. Carmine

About Thinning Hair Solutions By Mr. Carmine “AWARD WINNING” Hair Restoration Services for Guys & Gals. Are you seeking a 100% Guaranteed solution to Hair Loss? Our quality services include: Hair Loss Prevention Hair Restoration Hair Systems Hair enhancement Solutions for Alopecia, and Chemo patients For 25 years, Executive Director Ron Milazzo has been offering “Hair Restoration” services for our clients who live in and around New York and Stamford, CT., and clients who travel to us from locations throughout the world.

Thinning Hair Solutions by Mr. Carmine

2701 Summer St., Suite 3
Stamford, CT United States 06905
