Millionaire Business Owner Andy Shaw Explains What Makes Great People Great

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( — March 18, 2015) Steyning, West Sussex — Since December around 4000 people have started mapping the Bug Free Mind Process to their lives, with Andy Shaw confirming that these 4000 people have already, or quickly will change the worlds of themselves and the lives of those who are in touch with them, and states that it’s beginning to make him feel pretty darn awesome. According to Andy, simply considering a great life can make it a possible fact. He added… “Then, as you see it as possible, the door is opened for it being probable. There are a great deal of people within the bug free mind network whose lives will certainly become better, far better and some of them will certainly even go on to live great lives, and they might even end up being great people. They don’t have to be world leaders, or visionaries to achieve the status of being a great person.”


Business owner Andy Shaw then explained exactly what makes great people great. He said… “These individuals are made great by the unrelenting pursuit of a much better world. Whether it be a better world for themselves, their household, or everybody. Great people do not give up that pursuit and they don’t do it for one easy reason. They don’t know how to. Accomplishing the level of consciousness where the pursuit is a motivation to them, and making them feel invincible, as they will either die, or live attempting to accomplish their dreams. This is developed from a mind state where you have actually passed the point of wanting, wishing, hoping, dreaming, and understanding. You have actually gotten in the mind state of expectancy and acceptance, and are really grateful for having it.”


Concerning Andy’s own personal success, he stated… “I am really a little staggered at my own ability to accomplish the impossible, and though what’s happening is wonderful and is what I plainly wanted and planned. It is actually taking place a little faster than I would’ve liked it to, so this implies I am currently experiencing the truth in the phrase, be careful what you wish for. As I saw limitless possibilities and am currently experiencing the ramifications of seeing things in this manner, I’m now left asking the question what I am going to do now understanding that it is not possible to fail.”


Manifestation and the fear of failure are 2 obstacles that Andy states he knows just too well. He added… “I learned the secrets to manifestation just through observance of my own use of the devices we have actually all been given, and as each year passes I see this power grow. I read about this in lots of books, and learned countless techniques. However the genuine revolution in my capability to utilize this power to create originated when I noticed I ‘d actually done it.


That’s when you will find the real answers.. Marianne Williamson said that our inmost worry is not that we are inadequate, however that our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. I have actually considered this quote for several years now and am currently experiencing it happening. Though it is not a worry for me as if it was it would not be real, but I am experiencing how powerful my mind has become.”





