Frisco Health Insurance Consumers Expected to Pay Lower Premiums in 2019

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( — August 11, 2018) — Frisco health insurance consumers may get a pleasant surprise in 2019. Their health care premiums are expected to fall next year.

Blue Cross Blue Shield of Texas, the largest insurer in the state, has signaled premium rates would be reduced by 6 percent in 2019. This development is based on information submitted to, the federal website that sells individual plans. This will be the first price reduction Blue Cross has instituted since the Affordable Care Act (ACA), commonly known as Obamacare, was passed into law in 2014. Blue Cross is one of the few insurance providers on the exchange in Texas and in some counties, the only choice available.

Health care advocates certainly believe this is good news for recipients of health insurance in Frisco. Since Obamacare is only available on private exchanges in Texas, many consumers receive only a small federal subsidy which is used to offset premium payments. With a premium drop, analysts expect customers to potentially save several hundreds each year.

Interestingly enough, Blue Cross Blue Shield of Texas has hemorrhaged money in the past participating in exchange markets across Texas. In the first two years of the ACA implementation, that amount had reached $1 billion. In 2017, the provider increased premiums by 20 percent. But Blue Cross seems to have a better understanding of the market and the optimal mix of product offerings and pricing. In fact, the parent company of Blue Cross had earnings in excess of $1 billion last year. Rick Thornton, a Frisco health insurance agent, is also encouraged with the announcement of lower premiums. “With lower costs, more Frisco residents will have access to quality health care which leads to a more healthy community. This always leads to positive outcomes.”

If all goes well, Blue Cross is hopeful 2019 will be the year that ushers in not only continued healthy profits but more stability in the health insurance exchange marketplace.

Insurance4Dallas, (I4D), helps insure all of Texas, Oklahoma, Arkansas, Arizona, Louisiana, New Mexico, Alabama, Virginia and Florida. Insurance4Dallas provides consumers with detailed information on health insurance with the ability to purchase health insurance online. Insurance4Dallas provides a full spectrum of health, dental, vision, life and ancillary insurance products, providing a diverse selection of price and benefit options complemented by personal customer service. Available via phone, email or fax, Insurance4Dallas answers consumer questions throughout the purchasing process and during the utilization of its health insurance policies.