Africa Independent Search Engine for African Niche Business Platform Launched

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( — October 2, 2019) — A newly launched African search engine has been launched, called Mashcor. It places special emphasis on African businesses and helping them to rank without competition from international businesses.

A new individual and independent search engine has been launched for African businesses looking to connect with new customers. Called Mashcor, and run by Mashcor Online Ltd, it is a South African company that aims to put African businesses on the map and raise awareness of African tech businesses.

More information can be found at:

Africa has 1.2 billion people who have the potential to build a self sustaining economy, which could be seen in a similar light as India and China. Mashcor explains that the biggest flaw to achieving this goal is that African’s don’t tend to believe in themselves, even though they’re capable of building a sustainable ecosystem.

The newly launched search engine is a new platform for African tech businesses and service professionals to grow and thrive online. Mashcor says that the African tide is rising, and the new search engine is poised to help kickstart that growth.

The site aims to help organize the chaotic technological infrastructure that has plagued progress throughout the continent. Mashcor is nothing without the people in Africa, and it aims to not only reach new heights as a business but change the environment at the same time.

The newly launched search engine is an independent search platform developed to scan and index African businesses and websites exclusively. The team has been developing the website and apps, which can be downloaded now.

Over 2 million African websites are scanned and indexed, ready to be featured on the international stage. Mashcor is not using APIs or other search engine results, but doing all the necessary crawling work on its own.

This means that on Mashcor, users simply type in their keywords and see a list of African based results without contamination from non-African businesses. This reduces competition for the local businesses, which may not have the marketing budget to compete with larger corporations.

By reducing the competition in this way, African businesses stand a better chance of standing out and establishing themselves in their field.

Mashcor states: “The reduced competition increases exposure for local African businesses on a platform they can not only take full pride in claiming as their own but increases their awareness of how easy it is to build a website that is indexed right before their eyes and ranks somewhere in the first couple of pages.”

Full details of the new launch can be found on the URL above.