Sales Motivation Ideas That Are Out of the Box

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( — May 15, 2020) —

If you run a large national sales team, you won’t need to be reminded of the importance of motivation – that feeling that pushes the salesperson to the next level – and in this article, we will examine a few innovative ideas on how to motivate your team members.

*    Digital Device Prizes – This is a great way to motivate your team, and with either a weekly or monthly award of a top of the line smartphone or tablet. Introduce the device at a morning meeting and let the team play with it for a while, before announcing that this prize goes to the person with the best sales figures over a set period. Additional ideas include power banks, hi-end headsets or any other digital device that aids in daily life.

*    Renting a Supercar – Yes, there are companies like Richcars in Bangkok, where you can hire Ferraris, Porsches, BMWs and Mercedes Benz flagship models, and the best way to set this up is to take the team to the car rental showroom, where they can see the many supercars, and, of course, the winner gets to choose their supercar and will drive it for a day or week. The list of supercars is indeed long, and any of your sales team will absolutely love the idea of driving their dream car for a while, so you can be sure that everyone will be trying their best to come out on top.

*    An Experience Day – It might be a tandem skydive at 13,000 ft, or a day at a top-rated motor racing school, and as you know your team better than anyone, you will know what turns them on. A google search will bring up a list of experience providers and they have a very long list of packages that are guaranteed to please. If you are paying for everything, this is a low-cost reward with high value and make sure the team has a good look at the many experience packages that are up for grabs. You can twist this around a little by pairing up your team and have two players compete against each other, with the winner choosing the experience they want and the loser will pay.

*    Romantic Weekend in Paris – An all-expenses paid trip for two staying in a luxury Paris hotel with a honeymoon suite would be a very attractive prize and such a contest might run for a couple of months, preferably during the quite times of the year. The winner and their partner will be treated like royalty, with first-class flights and champagne all the way, which is the kind of prize every person would like to win.

It can be hard to keep coming up with new ideas when looking to motivate your sales team, and hopefully, some of the above will drive your team to reach their sales targets. It is up to you to create that desire to win and with your support, every team member will go that extra mile to achieve their goal.