13 Simple Fat Loss Diets Made Available For Free

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(Newswire.net — October 18, 2013)  Atlanta, GA — 

Mike Whitfield has been a man on a mission for the last 4 years.  After successfully losing 105 pounds he has poured his heart into providing his knowledge and experience to others so that they could experience the same weight loss success that he has enjoyed. 


Whitfield mastered one form of dieting which has become very popular in the last 2 years referred to as intermittent fasting.  While losing 105 pounds Mike discovered 1 simple trick that makes intermittent fasting 50 times more effective, and he reveals this in his newly launched free guide Simple Fat Loss Diets.


Mike admits he did have to exercise to lose 105 pounds as quickly as he did but throughout that time he was using a cutting edge new strategy referred to as “metabolic resistance training”.  With these metabolic workouts he was able to multiply the “afterburn” of a workout.  By doing a full body workout in a very short time span one can actually burn many more calories during the hours after the workout than during the workout.  This discovery has allow him and his clients to reduce the amount of time they workout, cutting their usual time by two thirds.  Mike created an entire workout program around this called Workout Finishers that delivers fat burning results long after the workout has been over.


One of the main reasons Mike has had such huge success with not only himself but also with his clients is because he understands that there is no “one size fits all” workout or diet and sometimes things have to be tweaked to get faster results.  With his new ebook Simple Fat Loss Diets Mike has shared all the secrets that have enabled 6 of his clients to win cash in body transformation contests.


The launch of Simple Fat Loss Diets comes 1 year after he launched another free program last year known as “Bodyweight Torch”, a 30 day bodyweight workout program that he designed so that people could workout from home.  Mike thinks it’s important to share what he knows for within the community so that people can get started on improving their health with proven methods that others are using.


Another huge benefit that Mike mentioned of his new Simple Fat Loss Diets is that it gives a person the opportunity to read through and pick a diet plan that best fits their lifestyle with a chance to change it up as they go.


Simple Fat Loss Diets is available as a free download here at http://simplefatlossdiets.com/.