Home Protection Dogs: What You Need to Know

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(Newswire.net — November 8, 2013) Galena, Ohio — As the economy still reals from the effects of the housing bubble and near record high unemployment  – there is one segment of the economy that is growing in leaps and bounds: Family Protection Dogs


Once one of the best kept secrets of celebrities, CEO’s, and the like, the practice of buying one of these trained German Shepherds for the use of a family protection dog has gone mainstream. 


Here’s how the process works for one particular trainer. 


Steve Scott has been training dogs professionally for the past 15 years. Starting with training protection and police style dogs for the militaries of the United States and our allies, as well as police organizations all over the world. 


Since going private, he has specialized in selecting the best Belgium-imported Shepherds, then personally training them into different regimens for different levels of buyers. 


“These are NOT your junk-yard dogs. These are born and bred to be the best dogs in the world, highly – highly intelligent from birth due to superior breeding. then we take it a step further in our training process to develop family friendly guard dogs that can do incredible things – and are undyingly loyal to their new owners. I used to cater to celebrities and CEO’s and politicians almost exclusively  but over the past several years – people concerned about their safety – no matter what executive level they are – have been making buying one of these magnificent creatures a priority. 


If you are looking to find a world-class family protection dog, you are in the right place according to Steve Scott of Scott’s K9. 


“These are fully grown expertly trained German Shepherds that we train and sell, and there is no better protection for your family. No matter who or what the threat is, these dogs are tougher than you – or any other many on two legs. They are sweet and gentle and loving and great with kids, but if the owner determines a threat they will jump in front of bullets and fight to the death – or until the owner whispers a simple command to instantly halt in their tracks. A human body guard doesn’t even come close.”


According to the way the market has responded over the past several years with record record record in this industry – he’s, right.


Scott’s Police K9 LLC

4754 Chantry Dr
Galena, Ohio 43021
