Obamacare Will Fail Unless It Changes

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(Newswire.net — November 21, 2013) Portland, OR — I have been bashing heathcare.gov and ObamaCare as of late. I thought I would take a few minutes and let you know why I have been doing it.


First I should say that I supported the idea of health care reform. However once Obamacare became the so-called “law of the land”, as many of my left-leaning friends fall back on, a quick read of the mandate revealed a number of challenges.


Yes, I did read it to find out what congress passed since they couldn’t read it before they passed it.


For instance, my wife and I currently have Health Savings Accounts (HSA) which the company places a certain monthly amount on our behalf for us to use an health related costs. However, nutritional supplements have always been excluded from an HSA. The “law of the land” did nothing to change that so the proposed all-encompassing plan still didn’t address certain areas.


There is really no health system that will survive unless it is built on the nutritional system of disease prevention. Attempting to “manage” disease will lead to financial ruin – personally and nationally.


The design is flawed


The design of Obamacare requires that a sufficient number of young, healthy people who aren’t yet sick will sign up and order to subsidize the sicker people who will cost more to manage.  


Our current system handles disease with monopoly-priced medications, surgery and chemotherapy instead of cheaper and proven nutritional therapies, botanicals and simple lifestyle changes.


So if a cancer patient requires $500,000 for ”disease management” interventions such as chemotherapy, there’s going to need to be a significant number of healthy people footing that bill.


It’s a numbers thing.


Profit motive


There is money to be made from sickness, disease and death! But the prevention of disease is not profitable to one of the key players in Obamacare – drug companies! So the plan is to have sick people keep being sick. The sicker you are, the more drugs you need and the cycle continues.


As long as the health care industry is based on profit, it will never produce healthy outcomes for patients. There’s simply too much money to be made in ongoing sickness and disease.


health insurance over health


There really is only one person that has a financial interest in your health – you!


Your own quality of life, happiness, productivity and longevity improves the more you move away from insurance companies, drug companies, hospitals and doctors.
Until a national health care system is interested in low-cost, high-return health abundance, it will never be viable in the long run. No nation has a real future if half its economy is based on how much money can be made from keeping people in a downward spiral of sickness and disease, after all. And that’s precisely where the U.S. economy is headed (health care costs are fast approaching 25% of the national economy).


Fixing the system


Obamacare is broken even the website works because it is nothing more than playing musical chairs with the ever-increasing costs of funding a national policy of disease management and medical crisis intervention.

A health care system that is sustainable should probably have changes in the following areas.




Outlaw all toxic, disease-promoting ingredients in the food supply (HFCS, aspartame, sodium nitrite, etc.)


Outlaw all drug advertisements that target the general public. Drug ads do nothing but convince people they need more drugs even when they don’t. (All such drug ads were illegal before 1997.)


Outlawing of FDA, CDC, USDA and FTC employees from accepting jobs inside the very industries they previously regulated.


Outlaw the of drug company bribery of doctors, financial influence of medical schools and commercial funding of science journals.


Restoring patients’ rights to sue vaccine companies for the permanent health damage caused by their product




Repeal the FDA’s outdated “flat Earth” belief that there is no such thing as any vitamin, mineral, nutrient or botanical that has any ability whatsoever to treat, prevent or cure any disease.


End the FDA’s censorship of truthful health claims on nutritional supplements, thereby allowing sellers of herbs, superfoods and dietary supplements to make truthful, qualified, scientifically-validated claims about the ability of dietary products to treat, prevent and cure disease.


End all drug patents and shifting R&D to publicly-funded universities. This would immediately take the profit out of junk science drug promotions and sharply reduce the cost of drugs to the public.


Break the state medical monopolies that marginalize chiropractic, Chinese medicine, herbal practices and other holistic healing arts. State medical boards needs to be reined in with a national “Medical Bill of Rights” that guarantees freedom to practice the healing arts without oppressive interference from state medical boards.


Break apart the FDA into separate “Food” and “Drug” regulators.


Reform the mission statement of the NIH to study causes of health rather than causes of disease.


Food Supply

End poisonous agricultural practices such as GMOs and the widespread use of glyphosate.


End government subsidies of agricultural products that promote disease such as high-fructose corn syrup and processed, refined sugar.




The total ban of mercury from all medicines, including vaccines where they continue to be used. This ban also must encompass dental amalgams, where mercury remains one of the top sources of contamination across the population.


