Dudley Media Group Reveals Indiegogo-Funded Dog-to-Person Translator

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(Newswire.net — January 20, 2014) Las Vegas, NV. — The Dudley Media Group began their article by reporting, “Have you ever wanted to talk to your dog, and then understand what your dog was saying back to you? Now you too can be Doctor Doolittle with a dog-to-English translator that is being developed by a company by the name of, no kidding, No More Woof. (Isn’t the name an oxymoron? You would want the dog to “woof” so you could translate it, wouldn’t you?)”


Can this be? So many people have dogs and would love to know what their dog is really thinking. To many people, their dogs are members of the family, and it is always nice to know what a member of your family is saying. The Dudley Media Group article continues by reporting, “No More Woof, while still in its early development, is said to have already translated a dog’s reaction to a strange event. When it comes to what your dog is thinking, on average, it’s not much further than what you might expect. According to the Nordic Society for Invention and Discovery, the easiest thought patterns the company has been able to detect are those associated with being tired, curious, or excited, and in their simplest forms.”


This is very exciting news, and one that the world will be watching with anticipation! The article by the Dudley Media Group made it clear that no harm comes to the animals used in the testing phase by reporting, “No More Woof also wants everyone to know that their experiments are ‘110 percent’ animal-friendly. No animals have or ever will be harmed in their experiments, says the NSID.”


The Dudley Media Group article goes on to explain that, “The company is quick to admit that the technology is currently rudimentary at best, but they are quick to follow that the first computer wasn’t that great either. This EEG technology is nothing new – it has been around for a few years already, and there are similar versions of it floating around in the ether.”


Read the rest of the article here at the popular trending topics website, the Dudley Media Group:



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