Krill Oil Found To Reduce Eczema and Reduce Skin Inflammation

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( — January 30, 2015) — A new report and video from titled Krill Oil Eczema Information: Prevent Skin Irritation and Inflammation details how the omega-3 fatty acids found in high quality krill oil reduces skin irritaion and inflammation typically associated with eczema.

The article defines eczema as a medical condition typically characterized by red, inflamed, itchy, dry skin. Research now indicates a correlation between eczema and omega-3 deficiency in the body.  Specifically, eczema is often caused by inflammation of the skin.  Krill oil and the omega-3 and antioxidants in krill oil lowers inflammation in the body and reduces the symptoms associated with eczema.  

For years eczema has been treated with topical creams and lotions.  Medical experts now understand that internal inflammation and other health conditions contribute to the external symptoms of eczema, including dry, irritated and inflamed areas of the skin.   

Medical experts often recommended fish oil as a way to prevent health conditions associated with  omega-3 deficiency, however, many are now finding krill oil to be more effective in preventing health conditions caused by omega-3 deficiency.  Many health experts are recommending a combination of nature fish oil and natural krill oil, ensuring the body is absorbing the benefits of both supplements – specifically EPA, DHA, and the powerful antioxidant astaxanthin.

Krill oil supports healthy skin by providing quality amounts of antioxidants which prevent skin damage and irritation resulting from toxins and free radicals.  The omega-3 fatty acids in krill oil also provide a healthy, quality source of fat to keep moisture in the skin and prevent inflammation and irritation.

The complete Krill Oil Eczema Information: Prevent Skin Irritation and Inflammation article and video are available at is also sharing a free downloadable ebook titled 5 Foods That Fight Internal Inflammation.  The 34-page free download provides information to prevent harmful inflammation and is available at

About: About: is a new website that was launched in June 2014 in order to educate people on the importance of omega-3 fatty acids and supplementing with quality sources of krill oil. Most recently they released a video titled “Krill Oil for Hair Loss”.