The Do’s and Dont’s of Starting a New Job

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( — August 16, 2016) — Starting a new job can be both an exciting and nervous experience. While you will be making money and learning new skills, you also don’t want to do anything to make yourself look unprofessional during your first day or week on the job. What are some things that you focus on when starting your new job, and what are some things that you should avoid when you’re new at work?

Do: Show Up a Few Minutes Early

Even if the store is still locked or you can’t clock in yet, showing up early shows that you care about your employer’s time. It says that you pay attention to details and can be relied upon to do what you are told.

Don’t: Complain or Talk Poorly About Others

For the first few days on the job, your goal is to learn your responsibilities and fit into the overall company culture. Talking poorly about others or complaining about your workload makes you look like a whiner or someone who is going to bring down morale or otherwise impact the productivity of others.

Do: Dress Appropriately While At Work

At the interview, ask about your employer’s dress code or what others typically wear at work. Adhering to the dress code helps you to fit in, shows that you are willing to listen and makes it easier to interact with customers or otherwise fulfill job duties.

Don’t: Assume You Can Bring Your Phone or Tablet to Work

You should never assume that you are allowed to bring your phone or tablet to work. At best, you may be asked to keep it in your desk or in your car. At worst, it could be confiscated or lead to your termination because of the security risk it may pose. If your network at home isn’t as secure as the network at work or vice versa, you could spread viruses that compromises sensitive corporate or personal information.

Do: Work Hard to Gain the Trust of Your Colleagues

Relationships are everything in the workplace. Therefore, one of your first goals should be to gain the trust of your fellow workers as well as those in management. These relationships could help you go from temporary work to permanent employment or make it easier to earn a promotion in the future. Having friends at work will also help you get through those especially boring or stressful days on the job.

Don’t: Attempt to Rush the Acclimation Process

It is perfectly acceptable to make mistakes or otherwise errors on your first few days on the job. Your manager will be looking to see if you learn from those mistakes and acclimate yourself to the new job in a timely manner. If you can do that, you will gradually gain confidence and become an accepted member of the team.

Starting a new job can be overwhelming regardless of how much experience you have in your field or in the business world in general. However, staying humble and personable around your colleagues will make your transition easier and help you cement your status as a reliable professional on the job.


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