Most Shocking Moments in Oscar History

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( — February 25, 2017) — Los Angeles, CA – The Academy Awards, named The Hollywood’s super bowl by the Harper’s Bazaar, is known for more than memorable dresses. Here are some of the most memorable Oscar moments that made history.

Gone with the Wind broke barriers along with making history and memorable quotes, as Hattie McDaniel who portrayed the supporting character Mammy, a slave of the O’Hara family, was the first black Oscar winner. 

Considering the year was 1940, the actress was forced to be isolated by being placed to sit in the back of the venue. 

Yet despite this breakthrough, it took as long as 51 years until the next African American came on stage to claim the Academy Award, and that was Whoopi Goldberg, also in a supporting category for her role in the Ghost.

To this day, Halle Berry is the only black woman that won the Best Actress category.

When Goldberg opened the 71st Academy Awards many years later, and she made her entrance as the Queen. Although delivering the monologue in a British accent, she named herself an African Queen.

Another royal moment took place at the 80th Academy Awards, when Dame Helen Mirren jokingly knighted Daniel Day Lewis, when he won in the Best Actor category for ‘There Will be Blood’.

Sidney Poitier was the first black man to win the Best Actor award in 1964, and even then, the racial conservatives considered ‘offensive’ the fact that he received the award along with a peck on the cheek. Yet, that should come as no surprise as back then, interracial marriages were still not legal in all 50 states. 

Therefore, it is not surprising that it took another 38 years, until Denzel Washington appeared as the winner in that category.

Although both Poitier and Berry had hoped their wins broke barriers and opened doors, many have shown disappointment as to how little these doors had actually opened during the years.

In 2016, Chris Rock addressed the issue head on while hosting. One of his references included naming the Oscars as the White People’s Choice Awards and he did not stop there.

Greer Garson is possibly the reason to thank why actors have a 45 seconds’ time limit for their acceptance speeches, as she ‘pulled a Kayne with the longest Oscar speech of all time. 

This rule is quite disliked by some, Cuba Gooding Jr being among them. 

In 1997, when the orchestra started playing as a subtle hint to wrap it up, the actor shouted out the remainder of his speech over the orchestra, during which he thanked his fellow colleagues from Jerry Maguire, Tom Cruise among them.

The Oscars are also pet-friendly, since Jean Dujardin brought his co-actor on stage with him to claim his award for The Artist. Uggie, the dog, looked just as handsome wearing a bow tie at the 84th the Academy Awards.

Science fiction aliens were also added to the guest list thanks to Ben Stiller. When introducing best makeup at the 82nd Academy awards in 2010, Stiller did much more than what is asked of the presenter, as he actually turned himself into looking like an Avatar!

Accidents happen to celebrities too just like normal people, as Jennifer Lawrence tripped when going on stage to claim her award for the ‘Silver Lining Playbook’ at the 2013 Oscars.   

The actress shined the following year for the 86th Academy Award, when that year’s host, Ellen DeGeneres made an epic selfie with the all-star audience and managed to break Twitter. The selfie included Meryl Streep, Brad Pitt, Angelina Jolie, Julia Robers, Keving Spacey and Bradley Cooper who took the photograph which became the most retweeted photo of all time.

That same year, DeGeneres broke conventions as she ordered pizza and brought him inside the venue to deliver the pizza to the star-studded and hungry audience.

The following year, Neil Patrick Harris stripped to his underwear for the 87th Academy Awards. 

Yet he wasn’t the first one to do this, as in 1974 Rober Opel, activist, artist and professional streaker ran across the stage wearing only his mustache.

Dramatic statements were seen throughout Oscars’ history. One was made by Marlon Brando in 1973, when he was the first person to refuse the most prestigious award for his role in the Godfather. ABC News reports that Hollywood insiders consider this year be the precursor to political speeches.

The actor made a political statement against the treatment of American Indians by the film industry. He did so by sending on his behalf a female Native American activist to deliver his speech, while wearing a traditional Apache dress.

It remains to be seen how will this year’s host, Jimmy Kimmel, address this political moment. USA Today believes that the current political turmoil might put a cloud over the celebration.

The American television host is also known for his feud with Matt Damon which dates back to 2005. Although it could technically be fake, the audience seems to think it keeps getting funnier. Damon made a guest appearance on The Ellen DeGeneres show and indicated they will bring their feud to the Oscars.

Halle Berry, Scarlett Johansson, Dakota Johnson, Jamie Dornan, Chris Evans, Gael Garcia Bernal, Samuel L. Jackson and Shirley MacLaine are among many actors who will appear as presenters, according to the official website announcement.

According to Time magazine, presenters will read mean tweets about themselves, other surprises remain to be seen.

And not to forget, although rare, ties are also a possibility as when Barbra Streisand and Katharine Hepburn had to split the Best Actress win.