(Newswire.net — August 11, 2020) — If you are getting ready to move into your new residence and you cannot wait to throw a housewarming party and invite all your neighbors, you might want to read these next few lines first. Before you start making the most of your new house and turn it into a real home, you should consider having a checklist ready.
Look At The Blueprints
It is essential to measure your old furniture or the new items you plan on buying and have them compared to the measurements of your new home. Take a look at the detailed blueprint and make sure that you will be able to perfectly fit everything into your new home and also manage the moving company a lot easier once they arrive at the new address.
Have The Utilities At Your Old Address Disconnected
A few weeks before the move, take your time and get in touch with your old utility service providers. Inform them about your intention to move and, if needed, schedule some dates to reconnect to their services at the new address. Remember to also contact your internet and cable providers and contact a local locksmith to have some high-security locks installed, if you are not satisfied with the security system put in place by the constructor.
Choose The Best Date For Your Move
If you can freely choose the date for your move, make sure you opt for a date in the middle of the month and week so that you can steer clear from any peak season when you will naturally have to pay the moving company more. October through April are ideal months to consider for your upcoming move.
Know Which Items You Are Forbidden To Move
Every moving company has a long list of non-allowables, which are items they will not be able to move for you. The list includes items like propane, fertilizer, nail polish, paints, personal items and more. The more informed you are, the less hassle you will need to deal with on the day the movers will arrive at your old address and start packing everything into their boxes. Give the movers a call or check out the information you can find on their website to know exactly what to expect.
Have All Packing Supplies In One Place
If you are thinking about personally moving some or all of your items, see that you find all the necessary packing supplies, ranging from cardboard and wooden boxes for your most fragile items, padding, tape, label makers and anything else you may need. For your bulkiest items, you may want to rely on expert movers who know how to pack, manipulate, load and unload these items, and carry them up the stairs or inside elevators without causing any damage.
Labeling is essential as it will help you not only protect your most fragile items against improper manipulation, but it will also help you be a lot more organized once you will arrive at your new home and you will need to start unpacking. Knowing which box goes in which room will save you precious time and energy.
Look For New Healthcare Providers
Try to be proactive and act as early as you can. Start reaching out to healthcare providers and family physicians, if you are planning a move out of the city and you need to find new providers. Get in touch with your present primary care doctor and have them give you a few recommendations or get in touch with your insurance company and see if they can help you find a new doctor.
Remember To Take A Break
Moving can be stressful and there are so many details to worry about that you may quickly start to feel overwhelmed, tired and worn-out. Remember to take a break and recharge your batteries every once in a while. It could be anything from going out for a walk to playing your favorite games of slots, poker or blackjack at a trustworthy casino you can find on the australia-casino.org platform 24/7. Lots of people find playing bingo, slots or roulette online extremely relaxing and, who knows, you could even be lucky or skilled enough to win a whopping progressive jackpot or at least win enough to pay the movers or buy a new fridge for your new home.