Activated Charcoal May Be a Potential Alternative for Food Poisoning

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( — February 17, 2017) Orlando, FL — Ingestion of poisonous materials or ingredients could potentially result in life-threatening consequences. There are quick and easy alternatives for this type of accident, and one may be through the use of activated charcoal.

Activated charcoal may be a potential alternative for food poisoning. There are actually many health-related uses linked with this substance. It is one of the most non-toxic and absorbent substances. However, it is worth remembering that it is still underused.

Otherwise known as activated carbon, activated charcoal that is food-grade is typically made by heating nutshells or wood. This process involves the use of extremely high temperatures, and exposure of the raw material to air or steam.

This entire process transforms the carbon into an extremely porous material. It is so porous that a gram of this activated charcoal is equated to a surface area of two tennis courts.

According to some experts, activated charcoal could also be processed through the use of chemicals. This is why it is important for consumers to ensure that they are using the food-grade type of activated charcoal.

This substance is often used for the purpose of filtering water as well as improving the quality of soil. It is even a popular odor remover and may offer benefits for health and beauty enhancements.

Hospitals as well as naturopathic doctors take advantage of charcoal for various illnesses and drug overdoses.

Consumers could be prone to food poisoning due to a variety of factors, especially that many are consuming mass-produced food. This amazing substance may have the potential to help individuals who suffer from food poisoning.

It is believed to do so by absorbing bacteria and toxins, which may be life-threatening or harmful to the body. It may help to ease vomiting as well as stomach cramps caused by flu. Pet owners with dogs suffering from stomach upset may also take advantage of this alternative.

Since charcoal may have the ability to absorb high levels of toxins, it is thought to significantly help reduce or eliminate them from entering the body. It is important to take activated charcoal as soon as possible in cases of poisoning or overdose.

This potential life-saving substance may not just be helpful to humans, but also animals such as cats, dogs, birds, and livestock. It is highly applicable to animals that come in contact with pesticides, toxic plants, fertilizers, blue-green algae, spoiled garbage, chocolate, flea products, and grapes.

These toxins are potentially life-threatening to animals. Pet owners may seek the advice of a veterinarian to determine the correct dose of activated charcoal.

Experts recommend a dose of 1 to 3 grams of activated charcoal per 1 kg of body weight in animals. It is worth mentioning that this substance may absorb over 4,000 poisons, heavy metals, and drugs.

When used externally, it may be useful for certain types of skin problems. It is considered an at-home alternative for snake bites, pink eye, poison ivy, wounds, infections, tumors, and hemorrhoids.

Activated charcoal has further been found to be as potentially beneficial as certain commercial products in removing odors from feet and shoes, skunk odor, odors from animal barns, odors from sick rooms, and chemical smells.

Today, it may be quite easy to take advantage of the possible effects of activated charcoal. There are activated charcoal supplements, and one of the most notable in the market is offered by Purest Vantage.

The activated charcoal capsules from Purest Vantage offer 90 capsules per bottle. Every high-strength capsule is even equipped with 300 mg of activated charcoal.



Purest Vantage is passionate and dedicated to developing high-quality products that assist people in maintaining optimal health, enabling them to enjoy all the benefits a healthy lifestyle offers.


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