Certain Skin Health Care Techniques May Help Fight Stretch Marks

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(Newswire.net — January 22, 2018) Wilmington, DE — Pregnant women are prone to getting stretch marks due to the stretching that results from a growing baby. There are ways to reduce the risk of stretch marks, and these methods do not require invasive treatments.

Certain skin health care techniques may help fight stretch marks. Stretch marks may be reduced by simply choosing foods that have skin-nourishing properties. While pregnant women typically consume healthy foods to nourish their unborn child with vitamins and minerals, doing so may also be beneficial for the skin.

Some types of foods may improve the elasticity of the skin, which has been found useful in reducing the formation of stretch marks. Antioxidants are highly recommended as they have long been found to protect and nourish the skin. Experts recommend an increased consumption of strawberries, blueberries, spinach and other antioxidant-rich foods. 

It is also recommended to increase the consumption of avocados, seeds, nuts, broccoli, collard greens and other vitamin E-rich foods that may protect the skin cell membranes. 

Having a well-nourished diet wouldn’t be complete without increasing water intake. The body needs to stay hydrated to detoxify and keep the skin cells plump. Doing this has been found to be effective in helping the skin bounce back from the stress caused by pregnancy skin stretching. 

Regular exercise has also been found to be helpful for retaining the elasticity of the skin, and this is due to its ability to improve the circulation of the body. It also keeps the blood moving and reduces the risk of weight gain, which can add stretch marks. 

It may also be helpful to resort to the use of certain products that are formulated to help fight stretch marks. However, it is important to choose a cream that contains only natural ingredients.

DermaSafe’s Stretch Mark and Scar Cream is carefully-crafted to be a superior moisturizer and anti-scar cream at the same time. Since it is aloe vera-based, it is superior over most other brands that are water-based.

Aloe vera has a long history of health-based use, and it is particularly popularized by its potential ability to nourish the skin and improve skin health. This cream is loaded with the natural goodness of aloe vera, and is widely thought to be helpful against stretch marks.

This aloe vera-based cream also contains other skin health-based ingredients such as arnica, cucumber, elderberries, wood mallow and rutin. It is made to help reduce scars and marks, especially before and after pregnancy. 

Further, it is also considered to be a scar removal cream that may be ideal in cases of muscle build up, weight loss or gain, burns and acne scars. 

While it is loaded with natural ingredients, it doesn’t contain unwanted or harmful ingredients.


About DermaSafe

DermaSafe is a unique skin care company bringing you beauty products from the inside out. Creams – Serums – Supplements to provide complete solutions for your skin care needs.


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