Top 10 Plants That Provide the Most Protein

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( — January 18, 2018) Cheyenne, Wyoming — While animals are looked at as the main source of protein in the western world, there are a lot of plants that can deliver the nutritional value of protein just as well. When prepared and consumed in an unprocessed state, the benefits of plant proteins are on par with animal proteins. 

“No matter how active your lifestyle is, a well-rounded whole food plant-based diet provides more than enough protein to satisfy the body’s needs,” attests Rich Roll, a two-time top finisher at the Ultraman World Championships. “As a vegan endurance athlete, I place a high tax on my body. And yet my plant-based diet has fueled me for years without any negative impact on building lean muscle mass or recovery.”

Protein is an essential macronutrient which the body places high demands on hence most people wrongly assume that only animal protein can provide the volumes needed. The following is a list of plant-based protein sources, courtesy of Women’s Health Magazine, which details the exact volumes of protein each delivers per portion.

1) Organic Edamame………………………. 18 g per 1-cup serving (cooked)

2) Organic Tempeh…………………………. 16 g per 3 oz serving

3) Organic Tofu……………………………… 8 to 15 g per 3 oz serving

4) Lentils………………………………………. 9 g per ½-cup serving

5) Black Beans……………………………….. 7.6 g per ½-cup serving (cooked)

6) Lima Beans………………………………… 7.3 g per ½-cup serving (cooked) 

7) Peanuts or Peanut Butter……………… 7 g per ¼-cup serving (or 2 Tbsp peanut butter)

8) Wild Rice………………………………….. 6.5 g per 1-cup serving (cooked)

9) Chickpeas………………………………….. 6 g per ½-cup serving

10) Almonds………………………………….. 6 g per ¼-cup serving

Understanding how much of a desired nutrient is contained in the ingredients one uses is integral to preparing a balanced meal to suit various dietary needs. All the amino acids needed aren’t in any single plant so to avoid any sort of nutritional deficiency, choosing plants as a main source of protein requires eating a wide variety of vegetables, legumes and nuts. 

The creation of new cell, enzymes and fluid balance is so reliant on protein that it’s recommended that an average healthy grown up should consume 10% – 35% of their calories from proteins. Eating habits such as keto diets are dependent on the volume and quality of protein taken in to fuel the body on ketones. There are also exogenous ketones such the HealthyWiser KetoFast dietary supplement available to support the effects of high protein diets for the purpose of weight loss.

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HealthyWiser™ is a recognized and flourishing personal health and cosmetic brand offering products that are diligently tested to meet industry standards. Passionate about good health and innovation the HealthyWiser™ brand is committed to delivering quality to customers. Learn more about the KetoFast™ Supplement Powder on Amazon.

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