Karl Douglas on Resurgence of Coal as Global Fuel

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(Newswire.net — January 15, 2018) New York, NY — Long decried as a dead sector in the energy market, coal is making a comeback as a global fuel source. Family office advisor, Karl Douglas, recently discussed market shifts in the energy sector, resulting in coal’s reemergence as one of the world’s primary fuels. In fact, coal is projected to become the third most-utilized fuel source worldwide by 2030, slipping just behind natural gas in terms of popularity. This bodes well for energy investors, who are enjoying increasing market share and usage of the fossil fuel from countries such as China and India. “Low natural gas prices are unsustainable, making coal sources competitive in the global energy markets,” says Mr. Douglas, who has been advising investors on coal and other fuels since 2006. “As global demand increases and clean-coal facilities come online, the fuel will continue to grow as a critical fuel source for energy production.” To learn more about energy consumption and energy market statistics, visit https://stocknewsnow.com/commentary/ANEWSID03112016100004/MCR-Coal-will-be-3rd-Most-Popular-Source-of-Energy-in-2030.

Many factors influence the reemergence of coal as a valuable energy source. The steel production industry relies on metallurgical coal in steelmaking, and no viable alternative has been identified. Advances in technology have led to coal-burning facilities that produce zero emissions; coupled with coal’s inexpensive nature, this has encouraged energy producers to ramp up in respond to growing demand. Perhaps most important in the resurgence of coal has been relaxation of regulations, particularly in the United States. As one of his campaign promises, President Donald Trump committed to reviving the coal industry. All signs point to a critical market shift, with the low production costs and forward sales prices demonstrating that coal remains a viable option. Stripping away emissions regulations has served to increase interest in the use of coal, paving the way for long-term growth in this important market sector.

Karl Douglas stresses that the coal production industry is not without its problems. Bankruptcies of large companies such as Arch Coal and Alpha Natural Resources have caused investors to approach the energy sector with trepidation. “The companies that have managed debt will continue to thrive in the market,” says Mr. Douglas, Managing Director of PPMT Capital Advisors, a family office advisor in New York, New York. “Assets emerging from the bankruptcy process will be acquired by private equity investors, resulting in stronger balance sheets and a more favorable outcome in global energy markets.” With utilities offering multi-year fixed price contracts, these out of favor assets offer some of the lowest priced hedged cash flow opportunities available.” For more information on Mr. Douglas and his work in the financial services industry, visit https://www.linkedin.com/in/karldouglasp85/.

About Karl Douglas

As a financial services professional with decades of high-level experience, investor and family office advisor Karl B. Douglas has earned the respect of peers in the industry. He is an expert in private equity investments as well as distressed asset turnarounds, with specialties in the energy industry as well as in real estate. He is known for his insights into global market dynamics, positioning him as one of the leaders in family office advisory services. Mr. Douglas serves as the Managing Director and Head of Originations for PPMT Capital Advisors, Ltd, a multi-family office in New York City.

Karl Douglas

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