(www.forexeliteinvestmentsltd.com Newswire.net — April 7, 2014) Bournemouth, DORSET —
As a bank customer are you happy your account costs have increased especially when the same banks took taxpayers money to avoid the recent financial catastrophe?
Many people hate their banks with many believing that banks are there to hide their fees, give little interest on savings and provide loans that are complicated to understand.
“They’ve lost their way,” Anthony Johndrow, partner at the Reputation Institute, told MSN Money. “They’ve completely lost touch with why they exist.”
78% of Americans say big banks are to blame for the recession and 66% remain angry about it, according to a consumer banking insights study sponsored by a coalition of community banks and Kasasa.
It has been said that the financial services sector was the main cause of the collapse of economies around the world.
Greed was the culprit here as unearned bank bonuses got bigger and bigger but without banks and a money supply and management system all economies would collapse.
A prime example of this is Robert D.Marcus who became chief executive officer (CEO) of Time Warner Cable.
Less than two months later he sold the company for $45 billion, and received $80 million.
Not only does the average CEO of the top 350 corporations now make 273 times the pay of the average worker (up from 20 times back in the 1970s), most have “golden parachutes” to make them even more comfortable in their board room afterlives.
There is a company that was set up to give investors a better deal than most banks do.
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