Recent Research Finds Sugary Sodas May Be Detrimental to Heart Health

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( — April 12, 2022) Orlando, FL — Heart disease continues to affect millions and millions of people worldwide. There are actually many risk factors for this condition, and one is diet. 

A study has shown that individuals who consume sugar drinks regularly are at a heightened risk of death caused by cardiovascular disease. 

This research involved over 110,000 U.S. health professionals. Regular intake of sugar-laden sodas, juices, and sports drinks was linked with the condition.

The investigators particularly reveal that subjects who consumed a minimum of two per day were more likely to die due to heart disease or stroke by around one-third. They were compared to subjects who rarely consumed sugar-sweetened drinks. 

According to Vasanti Malik, the lead researcher on the study, while Americans eat plenty of junk food, there is reason to focus on sugary drinks in particular.

“They’re the single biggest contributor of added sugar to Americans’ diets,” Malik added.

Malik is a research scientist at the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health.

Experts have long been warning against the intake of sugar drinks, which are linked with diseases. It is best to avoid drinking these beverages and opt for healthier options. This significantly helps keep the heart healthy and protected.

There are actually various measures found helpful in increasing heart health protection. One is to use resveratrol, which is a natural, plant-derived remedy known to have powerful antioxidant effects.

In some studies, the antioxidant properties of resveratrol have been found to reduce low-density lipoprotein-cholesterol oxidation as well as platelet aggregation. 

It is worth mentioning that resveratrol has been found to have a range of additional cardioprotective and vasoprotective properties, which include antiatherosclerotic and vasorelaxation action. 

According to experts, resveratrol could work wonders in interacting with multiple molecular targets, which involve diverse intracellular pathways. 

It is important to realize that resveratrol could work wonders in activating sirtuins, which is a class of NAD+-dependent deacetylase that affect multiple transcription factors and other protein targets. 

What makes resveratrol even more beneficial is that it could also induce autophagy as well as regenerate myocardial ischemic tissue treated with stem cells. 

Overall, experts say it exhibited therapeutic potential in the treatment of cardiovascular disease.

Today, more and more experts strongly recommend the intake of resveratrol for various medicinal purposes. It can be consumed via supplementation such as Divine Bounty Resveratrol, which is popularized for its high potency and purity.

This amazing formula is even equipped with bioavailability-enhancing ingredients and this makes it all the more beneficial over other brands. It is even protected with a money-back guarantee (

About Divine Bounty

Divine Bounty is a family-owned brand that manufactures high-quality turmeric curcumin supplements. Passionate about the potential health benefits of turmeric, the team behind Divine Bounty has carefully researched and sourced only the best ingredients to create the ideal blend of turmeric curcumin. More details are available at

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