Window Tinting Contractors Help Ensure Safety and Security

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(—March 3, 2013) Glendale, CA— Having been your trusted window tinting contractor for years, we understand the ever-growing concern for safety and security. No matter how much we would like to trust and believe in the goodness of people, there is still the ever-present threat of burglary and crime.

We have seen it in the news recently, what with Oscar Pistorius’ story about his fear of violent crimes, and oftentimes exaggeratedly in TV show: a man lurking outside the house, baseball or crowbar in hand, ready to bash your windows in. This has perhaps made the desire to be more stylish in having a house made mostly out of glass out of reach, and instead settle for something that’s more concrete.  Concrete or not, we will always have them, and in window tinting construction, we must always consider all possible scenarios.

As your window tinting contractor, we provide different types of films that would help reinforce safety and security depending on your priorities. In case you are simply concerned about natural disasters such as earthquake shattering your window which threatens the security of your loved ones, especially children, who are usually left inside the house, then using a 2mil film during window tinting installation is enough.

This kind of window tinting construction simply prevents glass and debris from falling all over the place in situations that would cause it to shatter. There is also a choice in window tinting installation that is anti-graffiti (the 6mil film type) which can be useful for those of you whose houses or business offices are at risk for vandals. Asking us, your window tinting contractor about this will surely help you save money and prevent any inconvenience in the future. If there are greater hazards that threaten your safety and security, we can look at the possibility of window tinting installation that’s suited to your needs.

Looking at what can be done now to assure your safety and security is perhaps one of the best things you can do, after all, prevention is always better than cure. Ask us, your window tinting contractor, how we can help you achieve this.

Window Tints Everything
6058 San Fernando Rd.,
Glendale, CA 91202
(323) 419-0617