(Newswire.net — May 6, 2013) Melbourne, VIC — Email marketing is one of the proven and favoured tools for successful online marketers, as this is the only way you can contact your audience whenever you want and present them with your offers. People subscribe to your list because they are looking for value, entertainment and training. Many marketers neglect these factors and see their list diminish over time.
Multipleincomes.net have suggested 3 ways to keep your list engaged and stay–
Segment your list
Take note of each marketing campaign you run and segment your list based on their particular interest, activity, hobbies, gender and more. People are drawn to information that are relevant to them, and by segmenting it helps you create the content targeted to your audience and get more engagement. When people are engaged they look forward to receiving your emails and share it with their family and friends. For example you may want to segment those who are interested in healthy eating from those who want to lose weight.
Tell a story and be to the point
Your subscribers not only want value, they love entertainment. Entertainment always sells. Use stories and examples to illustrate a point and make it relevant to your offer. Include pictures, subheadings and videos to live up your emails. Your subscribers may not have a lot of time; make sure your emails are straight to the point and easy to read. Speak to your customers with captivating, punchy headlines.
Communication is King
Your subscribers do not know you but they are eager to hear from you. Make them aware of what is happening in your world, by updating them with your promotions, latest training/webinar, and blog posts. If they don’t see value or get bored, they will simply leave your list.
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About Multipleincomes.net
Multipleincomes.net show online marketers generate more website traffic, leads and sales for their business. The site offers free training, strategies and resources that marketers can apply to their business.