(Newswire.net — October 1, 2013) Toronto, Ontario —
In the most recent issue of The Celestial Teapot, parenting columnist of Raising Reason Donald Herrera Fairbairn did an interview with Dale McGowan. While Herrera Fairbairn and McGowan covered a range of topics that were influenced by McGowan’s various books, the majority of the conversation is centered around the two writers’ seemingly main focus: raising children in a predominantly theistic society.
Though the topics themselves might seem to make for serious or heavy reading, the tone throughout the piece is light, friendly and notably positive.
Furthermoer, neither McGowan nor the Celestial Teapot columnist demean or speak poorly of religion in general. Considering the nonbelieving backgrounds of the interviewer and Dale McGowan, the conversation could have quickly taken a turn toward that kind of negative rhetoric. Even still, the interviewer keeps the conversation from heading that direction, showing the magazine’s resolve on not wanting to be about bashing, ranting, or hyperbole, which is a marked difference between the publication and quite a few other atheist-centered books, websites and periodicals.
When asked why this disparity is present, Concept Creator of The Celestial Teapot Jeff Ridout said, “There is enough division between the secular and theist communities. We are looking to create an open space for people of all backgrounds to come together and relate in ways that, though targeted to atheists, can be freely discussed and debated without attempts to dissect people’s life structure.”
As the author of many popular atheist-centered books, McGowan’s list of published works is an impressive display of secular knowledge and parenting without the influence of religion in the home. McGowan’s most recent book, Atheism for Dummies has reached the top 100 in the Amazon.com areas of Atheism and Religion. He also authored Parenting Beyond Belief: On Raising Ethical, Caring Kids Without Religion, Raising Freethinkers: A Practical Guide for Parenting Beyond Belief, and has a number of books to be published in 2014.
The latest issue of The Celestial Teapot has a theme of ideas from Aldous Huxley’s 1932 novel Brave New World and covers the topics of sleep learning, psychological manipulation, operant conditioning and reproductive science and more.
Media Contact:
Jeff Ridout
Phone: 1 (647) 883-9405 Email: celestialteapotmag@gmail.com Website: http://www.celestialteapotmagazine.com G+: https://plus.google.com/112778663167472238655 Twitter: @barkingmadmedia