(Newswire.net — November 13, 2013) Portland, OR — Japanese safety advocates have already succeeded in getting their government officials to order both manufacturers (Merck and GlaxoSmithKline) to change the HPV vaccine package inserts to include stronger safety warnings to medical consumers regarding the possibility of ADEM, Guillain-Barre and neurological problems.
However, the citizens of Japan are tired of watching their young girls suffer from convulsions, seizures, partial paralysis, severe pain and a host of new medical conditions after being subjected to HPV vaccinations.
Gardasil and Cervarix are promoted as cancer vaccines. They are not! Both vaccines are designed to combat two HPV types associated with cervical cancer. Even if these vaccines do exactly what they are meant to do – eliminate the two high risk types of HPV, no one will know if the vaccines have any impact on cervical cancer for decades.
Pap Screening versus HPV vaccines
Pap screening and the prompt treatment of abnormal cervical cells has never caused convulsions, partial paralysis, severe neurological damage, autoimmune disorders, seizures, chronic fatigue syndrome or death.
The Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) was established in 1990. There are 80 vaccines FDA-approved for use in the United States. HPV vaccines account for 25% of the entire VAERS database despite the fact they have been on the market for less than seven years. This is no small ‘accomplishment’ considering Gardasil and Cervarix have been on the market less than seven years?
Why add the risk of using Gardasil or Cervarix to a cervical cancer prevention program when pap screening has been proven safe and effective, particularly when the need for pap screening is not eliminated by HPV vaccine administration?
Lead Vaccine Developer Speaks Out
Dr. Diane Harper was the lead researcher in the development of the human papilloma virus (HPV) vaccines, Gardasil™ and Cervarix™ and is now the latest in a string of experts who warning of the devastating consequences and irrelevancy of these vaccines. Her confession at the 4th International Converence on Vaccination which took place in Reston, Virginia. Her speech, which was originally intended to promote the benefits of the vaccines, took a 180-degree turn when she chose instead to clean her conscience about the deadly vaccines so she “could sleep at night”.
“Dr. Harper explained in her presentation that the cervical cancer risk in the U.S. is already extremely low, and that vaccinations are unlikely to have any effect upon the rate of cervical cancer in the United States. In fact, 70% of all HPV infections resolve themselves without treatment in a year, and the number rises to well over 90% in two years. Harper also mentioned the safety angle. All trials of the vaccines were done on children aged 15 and above, despite them currently being marketed for 9-year-olds. So far, 15,037 girls have reported adverse side effects from Gardasil™ alone to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS), and this number only reflects parents who underwent the hurdles required for reporting adverse reactions. At the time of writing, 44 girls are officially known to have died from these vaccines. The reported side effects include Guillian Barré Syndrome (paralysis lasting for years, or permanently — sometimes eventually causing suffocation), lupus, seizures, blood clots, and brain inflammation. Parents are usually not made aware of these risks. Dr. Harper, the vaccine developer, claimed that she was speaking out, so that she might finally be able to sleep at night. ’About eight in every ten women who have been sexually active will have HPV at some stage of their life,’ Harper says. ’Normally there are no symptoms, and in 98 per cent of cases it clears itself. But in those cases where it doesn’t, and isn’t treated, it can lead to pre-cancerous cells which may develop into cervical cancer.’”
Although these two vaccines are marketed as protection against cervical cancer, this claim is purely hypothetical. Studies have proven “there is no demonstrated relationship between the condition being vaccinated for and the rare cancers that the vaccine might prevent, but it is marketed to do that nonetheless. In fact, there is no actual evidence that the vaccine can prevent any cancer. From the manufacturers own admissions, the vaccine only works on 4 strains out of 40 for a specific venereal disease that dies on its own in a relatively short period, so the chance of it actually helping an individual is about about the same as the chance of her being struck by a meteorite.”
Why do nine-year-old girls need vaccinations for extremely rare and symptom-less venereal diseases that the immune system usually kills anyway?