What Makes For The Best Business Web Design In Pretoria

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(Newswire.net — November 16, 2013) Pretoria, Gauteng — 

Most small and medium sized business owners in Pretoria are still struggling to get decent volumes of leads to their business from their websites. This is a common problem that has led to a belief that the internet does not work for their business.


Regardless of how the traffic is generated very few quality leads, if any, are forthcoming, and for most they are losing potential clients and income daily.


There is an answer to this exact problem and it has nothing to do with web design as many would think. The three factors, when used correctly, can and will increase conversions for any business.


The first to look at is relevance. At first glance this might seem obvious as the website is about the product or service that the business offers.


On a business website relevance means “how relevant is the offer (product or service) to the visitor’s problem” and not how relevant is the product. The text should be written to address the problem the visitor is experiencing and making the product or service the solution to the problem.


The second aspect is importance. This relates to how essential the offer is to the visitors livelihood. Here the copy should be identifying with the visitors underlying need.


Even when a person wants to buy a new car there is an underlying need, it could be that they have no car at all, or they want to buy a better car to reflect their status or new promotion. In your offer to the visitor you identify with their exact underlying need by addressing it in your copy.


The third and last aspect is urgency. Although it might be the same product or service the degree of urgency will differ. One person might have a garage door that has completely broken and they cannot get their car out when they need to get to a meeting in the next thirty minutes, urgency is very high.


The second person just has intermittent problems and the urgency is not high, but by explaining the problems they could have on the day they really need the door to work, the urgency for the repair can be escalated.


Visual changes and design is responsible for less than ten percent of change in conversion, copy has made differences of beyond one thousand percent to conversions.


In conclusion less attention should be given to web design and much more to the copy. This will improve the number of leads a business can get from their website considerably.


Sales Leads have assisted many small and medium businesses increase their website effectiveness and creating a solid online marketing system improving sales and turnover.

Sales Leads

Cradock Street 5, Eldoraigne
Pretoria, Gauteng 0157

079 210 9721