Retirement Savings Myth Can Have You Working Into Your Eighties

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( — November 27, 2013) New York, NY — New York, NY — Retirement savings is of great concern to the folks at that recently posted a new page on their site ( that should have anyone that is saving or hoping to be saving for retirement stop and take notice if they don’t want to be working into their eighties.


Dr Fred Rouse, a Certified Financial Planner with a PhD in taxation said that: “After 20+ years in business I still find that people either are not getting the proper advice they need from the so called “professionals” that are generally trying to sell them mutual funds, annuities and life insurance OR are just too busy trying to make a living to notice that what they’re doing is NOT going to get them to substantially increase their retirement savings.”


With the economy in turmoil since the last crash, the stagnant wages for the vast majority of the middle class, companies cutting back and Congress continually trying to cut Social Security, anyone that hopes to have enough savings for retirement should take a look at this page.


Most places want to let you know what the magic number is that you’ll need in your retirement savings. This site will actually provide a link to a quick Retirement Savings Assessment Quiz that will generate a detailed report specific to your individual needs and HOW to get to that number.


The report goes even one step further and provides a Retirement Money Action Checklist so you know what specific things you need to do today so you won’t have to work into your eighties.


For all the details concerning your retirement savings and for the link to get your individualized Retirement Savings Assessment and Retirement Money Action Checklist go to their site:


If you don’t, you may find out too late that your options for work and income at age eighty and beyond are not that plentiful.



Charles Parker, Staff Writer

Financial Management Press, UBO
New York, NY 10001