Response to Lack of Alternative to ObamaCare

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( — April 22, 2014)  —  Healthcare reform is a major issue in the 2014 mid-term elections as recent polls indicate that a majority of Americans will support anti-ObamaCare candidates. Right now the latter half of “Repeal and Replace” has not been defined.  The havoc to ObamaCare has caused to both the health care delivery and the health care insurance system requires a solid proposal to replace ObamaCare, the idea of simple repeal is out of the question.

U.S. Senatorial Candidate, George Flinn, M.D., has proposed an answer. After working in the medical field for a large portion of his life, seeing the effects of ObamaCare first hand, George Flinn and his team put together the Patient Centered Health Plan. This plan makes the patient the priority again. By promoting real accessible and affordable health insurance for all, while removing the damaging effects of ObamaCare, Patient Centered Health is a solution. This plan promotes principles like portability, insurance competition across state lines and the expansion of HSAs. To learn more, visit

ObamaCare is an unacceptable, unsustainable expansion of government. It has turned the doctor/patient relationship into a government/doctor relationship where the doctor is an employee of government. The government did not take the Doctor’s Hippocratic Oath to keep your best interests in mind. Now it appears that Washington has given up on fighting for this country’s right to liberty and freedom. Because they have given up doesn’t mean that we have to as well. George Flinn is fighting for this nation and state by running for United States Senate and pushing for Patient Centered Health and repealing ObamaCare.

For additional information, please visit

Flinn For Senate