Scott Tucker Launches Homeless Cat Charity

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( — July 11, 2014)  — 

 New York based pet-welfare activist and book author Scott Tucker has announced an online and street campaign to collect donations for homeless cats. The money will be used to establish a charity organization that will run homeless cat shelters and encourage people to adopt cats.

“There are more than 70 million stray cats in America,” said Tucker while announcing the campaign. “Many of them are killed by harsh weather, starvation, and fast moving cars. We want to save as many as possible.”

The campaign will kick off in New York next month and will include road shows, house calls, and online advertising. Cat owners and sympathizers will be targeted through social media and community forums. The charity, which is yet to be named, is estimated to start operating by the end of this year.

“We have volunteers who are ready to provide shelter space and food to homeless cats,” said Tucker. “We plan to find homes for 1000 cats this winter, increasing that number to 5000 by next year.”

Sixty-two percent of Americans households include at least one pet, mostly dogs, says a pet ownership report by the Humane Society. However, the absolute number of cats is much higher than dogs. Americans spend more than $50 billion each year on their cats, dogs, and other pets.

“If we could get people to spend a little of that money on the less fortunate felines running around in our communities, it would improve the lives of so many cats,” said Tucker.

By Annie Marsh

About Scott Tucker

Scott Tucker is an animal rights advocate and writer who frequently participates in pet welfare projects. He has raised the awareness about animal care in local circles through his personal efforts and social media channels. Charity begins at home, and Tucker’s home accommodates more than two dozen animals.