Ginsburg & Associates Protects Victim’s Rights on Transportation and Railroad Accidents

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( — May 19, 2015) Philadelphia, PA —Transportation and railroad accidents, like the Amtrak crash that occurred in Philadelphia this May, can involve serious injuries, the need for surgery and cases for wrongful death. People who can make a claim are the passengers for their serious injuries in a lawsuit against Amtrak. Also, employees of Amtrak who were on the train can also bring a claim under theFederal Employer’s Liability Act (FELA). These cases are a hybrid of Workers’ Compensation and traditional injury cases. Historically, this Act was passed to compensate workers because of the high amount of claims and the potential for serious injuries. The employee must prove that the injury was caused by the railroad’s employee or a piece of equipment of the railroad. Claims against the railroad have been extended to exposure to asbestos and also well as injuries from repetitive trauma. An employee under the Federal Employer’s Liability Act (FELA) can recover for lost wages and benefits, pain and suffering, scarring and like traditional lawsuits, for loss of a quality of life. The claims by an employee of Amtrak under the Federal Employer’s Liability Act (FELA) for injuries, will be outside of the $200M claims cap that will control the claims by ordinary passengers on the recent Philadelphia Amtrak case. At Ginsburg & Associates, we are experienced in representing both passengers and employees of train accidents as well as other transportation accident.

                                                     Railroad Accidents

Bruce M. Ginsburg and the firm has successfully represented passengers on buses, trains and injured in car accidents in Philadelphia, New Jersey and New York. Bruce M. Ginsburg of Ginsburg & Associates has also litigated car accidents in California involving wrongful death. It is important for Amtrak employees and injured passengers or their families to quickly engage a firm like Ginsburg & Associates to protect their rights and to avoid the potential for overreaching by Amtrak.

Contact Bruce M. Ginsburg @ Ginsburg & Associates today at 215-564-4400 or through our website at<>.

Transportation and railroad accidents, like the Amtrak crash that occurred in Philadelphia this May, can involve serious injuries, the need for surgery and cases for wrongful death.

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Ginsburg & Associates

2112 Walnut Street
Philadelphia, PA 19103
United States
(215) 564-4400