(Newswire.net — September 19, 2015) Baltimore, MD — Lorita’s photo was selected due to it unique perspective of the City of New Orleans.
The photo, taken by Online Media Strategist, Lorita Kimble of KNew Media Group in Baltimore, was selected out of hundreds of photos to feature in a national photo essay in USA Today on The Best of New Orleans.
Lorita Kimble’s photo was selected because it captured the pride, spirit and magic of New Orleans.
Lorita expressed “It was an honor to have my photo featured in the essay. What happen in New Orleans 10 years ago had a profound effect on me. My family and I had visited New Orleans just weeks before Katrina hit.” Kimble added “When I revisited New Orleans over the summer I wanted to make sure that experience was documented with photos and videos. I was so happy to see the that the most of the City had rebound from the devastation Katrina brought on it.”
In the photo you see the skyline of New Orleans from the waters of the Mississippi River. The photo was taken aboard the authentic Steamboat Natchez as it departed from it’s dock and cruised down the Mississippi River for it’s Dinner Jazz Cruise.
Lorita Kimble is the founder and CEO of KNew Media Group, the company behind KNew Media Consulting and KNew Media Publishing. She is also a show host on Business Innovators Radio, Producer for Local Market Leaders TV, and an online contributor to several media outlets and online magazines. KNew Media Group is a Digital Media Agency that helps Successful Entrepreneurs and Small Business Owners Leverage Online Media Platforms to Build, Brand and Market their Reputation, Authority and Influence.
To see the featured the photo essay, visit here: http://www.usatoday.com/picture-gallery/your-take/2015/08/17/your-take-city-spotlight-images-of-new-orleans/31634871/.
About KNew Media Group
For more information on Lorita Kimble and KNew Media Group visit: http://LoritaKimble.com or http://KNewMediaGroup.com
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