Stephen Frost Shares Secret On How To Build Self Esteem

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( — August 27, 2016) Kobe, Hyogo-ken — Stephen Frost founder of SurgingLife is now sharing how to build self-esteem and self love quickly and with ease through two special meditations he has developed. Low self-esteem can be a crippling problem for many and yet it can be overcome relatively easily. Through his work as a Meditation master and healer with expertise in various techniques and practices he has developed two meditative pieces that aid users in becoming able to truly love themselves.

What Is Low Self Esteem?

For those wondering exactly what is low self esteem the answer is relatively simple. In pure terms it is a negative self reference. The person concerned takes an internal view of their own abilities and what others think of them, the characteristic factor being that the view is negative in some way and that they are less valuable or able than others.

This is something which spirals if left unchecked, with one set of thoughts spiralling on to another and forming a gestalt of negative self views. Each view and point of negativity building upon the others and compounding into a greater and greater force. Leading to low self esteem and the need for dealing with depression that can run with it.

How To Overcome Low Self Esteem With Ease

One of the key factors that characterises low self-esteem is that it is a psychological condition, it is all thought based. As such the key factor in alleviating it, developing self love and creating high self-esteem and self-confidence is in changing thoughts and thought patterns. As such it is an issue which can be dealt with relatively quickly and with a certain degree of ease. The chief factors being the level of motivation for change and the level of commitment to actually creating that change.

Making the decision to actually do something and start effecting change gets a person about half way to achieving the result. The rest is down to the technique or techniques used and actually working through them effectively to get the desired result.

Stephen Frost Makes Building Self Esteem Easier

Following a great deal of development work with meditation, and using his specialist knowledge of NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming) and sound healing, SurgingLife founder Stephen has developed resources to aid those wishing to build self esteem in a big way. The focal technique for these is meditation, chosen by Stephen due to its ability to create the deep calm and relaxation that enable clarity, dissociation from negativity and deep down lasting life change.

Self Love Meditation

The “Self Love” meditation resources enable users to work on themselves from the core level out, with options on how deeply they wish to work and how long they wish to spend in each session. The principle guidance is outlined within a special page in the meditation section of SurgingLife, where users can also access a short video guiding them through the process over a few short minutes, something which can aid those short on time or those wishing to just dip into the process briefly.

How To Build Self-Esteem With Ease

For others who wish for deeper assistance there is the option to use the longer guided meditation which is around 30 minutes and backed with a specially developed soundtrack which amplifies the effect of the guidance. Using his specialist knowledge of brainwaves and sound healing Stephen has developed music to facilitate change and compliment the guidance in the best way possible.

Whilst all the resources offer excellent opportunities for achieving real positive change it is through the use of this longer guided meditation that Stephen has developed that the strongest opportunity for building self-esteem and self love comes though. As such the question of “how to build self-esteem?” shifts into “which is the most preferable option for building self esteem?”.

Accessing The Self-confidence Building Resources

Those wishing to create positive life change, raising up their self-confidence and self love can access the materials by Stephen Frost via the SurgingLife website, where they can also access other resources to aid them with creating a joyful life. Through working with the Self Love meditation in one of the various options provided the question “How To Build Self-Esteem?” becomes answered, with greater ease than previously thought.

About SurgingLife

SurgingLife brings aid for everyone seeking positive life change. For those who have been wondering what they can do in order to realise a far more positive lifestyle and a good quality of life, this site is the place to get the help needed. Drawing from meditation, essential oils, ho’oponopono, brainwave entrainment and a wide variety of other things there is solid ground to help those wishing to make meaningful life changes and achieve joyful living. The website can be found at


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