Maintaining Ketosis Without Muscle Loss

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( — March 20, 2018) Cheyenne, Wyoming — It’s interesting to discover just how ingenious the body is when it comes to the mechanics of fueling and adjusting itself appropriately to dietary changes. When in starvation mood the body relies on stored fat by breaking it down to produce ketones during a process known as ketosis but at a certain point it will run out of fat if it’s not being fed. This is the pivotal difference between starving and a keto diet, which requires the reliable consumption of protein.  

“We know that the main source of fuel during a ketogenic diet comes from fat and ketones as the liver produces ketone bodies in the absence of excess glucose (during fasting, starvation, or ketogenic dieting),” notes Cameron Ackerson, Exercise and Nutrition Scientist. “They then flow to extra-hepatic tissues, such as the brain and skeletal muscle, to be used as fuel in place of glucose. Ketones themselves contain a protein-sparing property, preventing the breakdown of lean muscle tissue when we become keto-adapted.” 

So by staying well-fed and loaded with protein the body is able to sufficiently produce ketones at a level which protects muscle tissues. While on a keto diet, it is only if the body is lacking the needed volumes of protein will it turn to eating away itself, muscles and all. But this is an extreme and farfetched notion as no one with all their facilities in check would deliberately withhold all food sources from themselves for a prolonged period. It would have to a consequent of some circumstances beyond one’s control rather than a healthy dietary plan. 

“In order to achieve a state of ketosis, one must be cognizant of the macronutrient composition of his/her diet,” explains “When carbohydrates are restricted under normal physiological conditions the body can tap into consumed protein and amino acid stores in an attempt to maintain energy production and various bodily functions. However, in keto-adapted individuals, utilizing fat and ketones for energy allows the body to depend on these alternative fuel sources instead of protein and amino acids. For this reason, what some might consider a low or moderate protein intake turns into a rather sufficient protein intake.” 

A good starting point when it comes to maintaining a balanced high protein diet is to ensure enough protein is being consumed. If directly building muscle mass is desired then eating more calories than your body can burn is the only way it can be done on any diet and the keto diet is no different. A proper workout regime must be followed to stimulate hypertrophy throughout the muscles, which just means to promote muscle growth by way of weight training routines. 

“When someone starts exercising a muscle there is first an increase in the nerve impulses that cause muscle contraction,” says “This alone often results in strength gains without any noticeable change in muscle size. As one continues to exercise, there is a complex interaction of nervous system responses that result in an increase in protein synthesis over months and the muscle cells begin to grow larger and stronger.” 

Ultimately, the ketones it produced by protein are critical to building muscle mass when undertaking a low carb diet. There are a number of exogenous ketone products available to provide an extra boost to one’s dietary mission, namely the KetoFast™ Supplement Powder by HealthyWiser™ has been well regarded by enthusiasts and professions alike for it’s flavourful FDA approved formula.

About HealthyWiser LLC

HealthyWiser™ is a recognized and flourishing personal health and cosmetic brand offering products that are diligently tested to meet industry standards. Passionate about good health and innovation the HealthyWiser™ brand is committed to delivering quality to customers. Learn more about the KetoFast™ Supplement Powder on Amazon.

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